Chapter 6

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Moments with Little Gray
by ILoveCelestialIce
Chapter 6
She didn't really think things could be awkward. Lucy already explained that stripping out of his clothes simply means "taking the clothes off." And Gray obediently did as told, while grinning widely after knowing what "strip" means. The blonde maiden was afraid of that grin, actually. It almost seemed mischievous to her. Well, what would an innocent child think from learning the word strip while grinning like that? She could imagine what would Gray think if he's normal, but him as a child?

No. Just, no!

But the awkward part doesn't end there, it was looking straight at Gray.

He's naked.
Well, you will say he's just a baby but what would you do if you've seen him naked in his normal body? She just can't remove the image of him from their first meeting when she's staring at little Gray.

"Uhm, Gray?" she called and the black haired boy looked at her with his innocent eyes, making her shift on her seat and looking at him straight in the eye, forcing herself not to look down. "C-can you bathe yourself?"

Gray vigorously shook his head and run towards the blonde. Lucy jerked as Gray's little hands took hold of her own and lead her to her large tub.


Lucy's face flushed beet red. Of course, a little child's offer would just be an innocent one but, he's still Gray, right? Now that she think about it, will Gray remember everything when he turns back to normal?


Gray pouted and removed his grasp off Lucy's hand, making the blonde sigh in relief...only to shriek in shock when she felt warm water splattering her face.

Lucy turned and caught Gray on the act of splashing water towards her, laughing. He continually did that to purposely wet the blonde. "Now Lu-tan take bath with Gurei!" he squealed and clapped his hands.

Lucy looked down and saw that her favourite clothes are damp. She sighed heavily as she wiped her wet face with her hands, looking mad at the moment.

"Patience, Lucy. He's just a child." She muttered out her mantra, trying to calm herself.

The boy notices the blonde's silence and stopped from playing. He cringed as he saw Lucy's eyes on him. Thinking quickly, Gray took Lucy's hand again and gave her his puppy-dog eyes, as if a child asking for forgiveness.

Lucy blushed, her earlier expression gone. He
looked too cute, she thought.

"Sowwy (sorry)?" he said and Lucy needs to put a hand on her nose and take her eyes off of Gray to prevent herself from nose bleeding. Seriously, Lucy?! she nagged herself mentally, nose bleeding from all the cuteness?! You must be crazy!

"Lu-tan," Gray called softly and the blonde had willed her mind (and nose) to stop with all the thoughts (and blood) accumulating inside her. She slowly and carefully, still willing herself to keep her guards on while sniffing, turned her head only to face the never-faltering, puppy-dog eyes his face holds.

"Gurei's sowwy..." he said again, but this time looking down and looked truly repentant. And Lucy cooed in her mind. She smiled.

This is but a mere child, she thought, what wrong could it do if I take his offer?

Trying to get to the tub without Gray noticing, Lucy spooned some warm water using one of her hands before splashing it towards the boy.

The raven haired baby would've shrieked when the water touched his cold skin, only if he didn't realize that Lucy was laughing. Gray looked up and smiled- Lucy's smiling down at him.

"So, let's take a bath together?" she asked and Gray cheered.


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