Chapter 8

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Moments with Little Gray




by ILoveCelestialIce




Chapter 8




Lucy and Gray walked the path to her home at Stawberry Street while the blonde carried bags full of clothes, foods and other needed stuff for Gray. Of course she bought something for her too.

Plue was walking with them as per requested by the raven haired boy. The little dudes are licking popsicles, smudging their faces with the sweet treat.

Seeing this, Lucy sighed and crouched down. She placed the bags down before fishing her hanky on her pocket and wiping Gray's mouth. He immediately sucked the Popsicle in his hands once again, making Lucy's effort come to waste.

She giggled at the sight and decided to do it once he finished eating instead.

"It's a good thing that Erza and Natsu gave me your share in the reward money. Though, I hope you'll forgive me for buying too much." She said, eyeing the bags on her side. Lucy looked back at Gray and saw him tilting his head to the side in confusion.

"Well, I'm doing this for you so you should just bear with it." Lucy stared at his dark blue eyes, seeming to look at something, for the friend she knows. "If you could hear me―" she paused, thinking what to call him, "err…'the-Gray-I-know', I'm sorry for using your money to buy all these stuff. But you need these for your own good soooo…I hope you understand."

Gray removed his popsicle from his mouth with a 'pop' and looked at her as if she's the weirdest thing he had ever seen, "Lu-tan weird."

She felt a protruding tick mark on her forehead but remained calm for him. "I was just talking to the Gray I know, hoping he could hear me― if ever he's somewhere inside you."

"But Gurei ish Gurei." He said and resumed eating the treat.

Lucy laughed and patted his head before grabbing the bags and continuing their walk. "Hold onto my skirt. I don't want you wandering off."

Gray nodded and grabbed Lucy's skirt. He was surprisingly obedient. "Puru, hold Gurei. Don't wan you wan-ring off." He echoed the blonde's words making her chuckle.

"Let's go to the guild after we drop these bags home, 'kay?"

And she smiled as she received positive responses from her companions.


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