Chapter 13

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Moments with Little Gray




by IloveCelestialIce




Chapter 13




Juvia ran upstairs once again, wanting to get another glimpse of the child inside. It's true that the boy looked so much like Gray, but it didn't cross her mind that he would actually be the Gray she fell in love with.

Of course she didn't believe Lisanna. She needs proof to see if he's Gray.

"Why don't you see it for yourself? Look for the guild's insignia on his chest."

Is what Lisanna said.

So she ran and burst the door open, for the second time, as she got there. The boy inside gasped and backed away towards the bed's headboard, taking his blanket with him as he tried to cover his body with it.

Juvia panted and closed the door behind her. Dark ocean blue eyes turned into slits as she searched for her dear Gray-sama on the dark blue orbs of the child.

The child whimpered as he saw the lady walking towards him like a predator hunting its prey. She grabbed the end of the blanket in an attempt to yank it off, but before she could do that, the child screamed something she couldn't quite understand.


The scream was so loud that she jerked her body towards the wall opposite the child. And before she knows what's happening, the door burst open revealing the blonde guild mate she considered her greatest rival of all, marching― rather, frantically running towards the boy.

"Gray," she said and took 'Gray' in her arms, "What's the matter? Why are you crying?"

'Gray' didn't answer. Instead, he immediately hid his head on the crook of the blonde's neck and clutched her shirt. And she let him. He wailed and Lucy had to pat his back soothingly to calm him down.

Juvia was surprised to say the least. Not only did Lisanna thought the boy was Gray, but Lucy had to join her confusion, too. More so, if the child really is Gray, what is Lucy doing, holding Gray as if that's her initial reaction when Gray called―

The blue haired water mage's eyes widen. If the child is really Gray-sama, why did he call Love Rival's name?

Her hammering heart was then accompanied by an intense pounding in her head as thoughts and confusion crossed her mind. What is happening?

As Lucy was comforting the child, her eyes caught on something on her peripheral vision. Turning her head, her brown eyes widen with the sight of Juvia's own stunned face.

"Lucy, is everything―?"

Mira stopped mid-sentence as she felt the awkward atmosphere brewing inside the room. But thankfully, the blonde heard her and whipped her head to where she stands.

Deciding this is a perfect timing to get Gray out of the room for her and Juvia to have a 'talk', Lucy beckoned Mira inside, which the latter instantly did once understanding the blonde's intension. The fair headed maiden then placed her hands on Gray's sides in an attempt to take him in her arms but the boy's grasp on Lucy only tightened.

"Gray, please go with Mira for now," Lucy asked but Gray only shook his head as he continued crying.

"Lu-tan just needs to talk to nee-san over there," she added, gesturing to the blue headed girl, back still perched on the wall. But still, Gray shook his head stubbornly.

Lucy sighed before sitting on the bed Gray were once sleeping in and gently remove his tight grip from her shirt. She pulled Gray away slightly for her to see his face which was damped with tears with his still trembling lips. Her eyes softened more, realizing how scared he is and concluded that Juvia must've frightened him some way or another.

The blonde patted his head and wiped his tears before smiling softly, "Lu-tan is sorry for not being here when you wake up."

Gray sniffed, "Where Lu-tan go?"

"Lu-tan was helping Mi-tan cook dinner for you while you were sleeping," she explained, with the purpose of letting him forget what just happened…whatever it is that happened between him and Juvia before she arrived.

"Really?" he looked at her through tear filled eyes, and hiccuped.

Lucy nodded once again and gave off her bright smile that always serves as an assurance for Gray. She begins telling stories that would help him forget what happened, to ease his mind, even for just a moment made him smile and Juvia couldn't do anything but to stand frozen on her spot, stunned.

Why Gray turned into a child and why Lucy and little Gray are close, she doesn't know. And the only way to find out why is to ask. But with the scene unfolding before her eyes, the only thing she could do is wait. Because seeing little Gray happy relieved her, even if it's because of the blonde.

Why, was beyond her reasoning.

After what seemed like forever, Gray let the fair headed maiden took him out of the room, hand-in-hand (not before he asked Lucy to summon Plue). The blonde smiled for the last time when the boy looked back over his shoulder, but it was immediately washed away when the door closed behind him.

She sighed and prayed to the heavens for her safety knowing that she's left to explain everything to the blue head since Natsu and Erza went out to buy stuff (normally it would be Gray, but since it's somewhat their fault that he's stuck in a little boy's body, Erza volunteered to do it while dragging a whining Dragon Slayer along). Lucy looked sideways and saw Juvia walking cautiously towards her.

She gulped a lump she doesn't know she's keeping when the blue head started speaking, "Juvia is beyond confused." Turning her head to the side, she continued, "Is the boy really Gray-sama? How did he turn into a child?"

Lucy looked at her face and felt the anxiousness she emitted, and her fast pacing heart slowed down subtly as she took in the sight. She knows Juvia loves Gray and was worried and concerned for his well-being so she needs to know everything.

And everything Lucy tells.


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