Part 5

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You and Randy sat at the police station at a table. You just sat there playing on your phone to distract yourself while Randy leaned back in his chair staring at the ceiling. All of you barely slept at all last night for obvious reasons and this was just the cherry on top at this point.

Dewey finally came in; just him as he ushered Deputy Hicks to sit this one out and keep watch of the door.

He inhaled deeply with a disgruntled look your way then towards Randy as Randy returned it with an annoyed look of his own.

"...Okay. For starters, Mindy and Chad never arrived at school today and Karla is not at her job even though it's past 9 o'clock...So, Randy. Is she missing? Are they the latest victims? Or did you do what I specifically told you not to and lied to me?"

Randy shrugged. "Well...I forgot to mention Karla might have had a very intimate party to go to for one of her family members in North Carolina. Sister Veronica's birthday, really kind of a bitch, but hey she's family-"

"Are you pulling my leg right now?" Dewey half sighed and half groaned in agitation and interrupted him. "Randy...Do you realize how serious of a crime this is? I'll have to issue a warrant for her arrest now, do you realize that?"

"WHAT?!" Randy snapped, smacking the table as you jumped from the sound. All before you put your phone down and gave an shocked look Dewey's way.

"Dewey! Why would you even think of doing that?!" You exclaimed.

"BECAUSE YN, it's the law!" He argued. He jerked at his shirt and pointed at his Sheriff Badge, voice cracking as he tried to yell. "Is this thing just a DEcOration to you people?!" He frowned deeply and continued. "She could be the killer OR she could be an accomplice."

Randy scoffed loudly. "God, Dewey, she's got our kids with her just going to get out of town while this is all happening!"

"So, you did lie!"

"Yes, I figured me and YN fleeing town without my kids and wife in the car was pretty obvious they were not at school." He gave with a sarcastic tone while slowly blinking at Dewey.

Dewey rolled his teeth over his bottom lip, anxiously looking between you both before just saying it. "Randy, you've got to tell me where she's at."

"Over my dead body."

Dewey tilted his head with an urgent look. "If you don't tell me, it might be...Because if she's the killer working with someone other than you; we all could be in trouble and YOU helped her get away!"

Randy had an annoyed look towards Dewey. "My wife is on the bottom of the barrel as a suspect."

"The rules, Randy!"

"I'm very aware of the fucking rules, Dewey! I'm the biggest advocate of the rules! Everyone is a suspect but there's a formula to it; you always have people at the top of the list and people at the bottom you can deduct from it..." He sighed, slapped his hand on his thigh and leaned back in his chair with a bitter tone. "Okay, what's the motive? Unhappy housewife with a loser husband is fed up and wants more. She hates this town that her man dragged her to. She regrets the domestic life instead of a life of luxury she always wanted but can't have because the dead weight is dragging her down...Maybe she had an affair with a psycho and now she's changing her life altogether? " You frowned at him as he said it and so did Dewey. He raised his brows and continued. "Is that it? Because if that was her motive then why would she go after teenagers instead of her husband? Hm?" Dewey almost said something but Randy interrupted him yet again. "I already know what's going to come out of your mouth. Okay, maybe you could use cop logic to reason about Jenny's murder because IF Karla was the killer; maybe she thought I was like Jerry Seinfeld or some shit having an affair with a 17 year old? Okay, that's the creepiest shit ever but let's just go with it to get this outta your system. But tell me this; what about Marnie? What about Olivia? What about Rebecca?"

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