Part 8

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  You sat in the back of Kirby's car with Randy in the passenger seat and Kirby driving. Going to the police station so Perkin's and Hoss could drop off the woman that attacked you at the school and then Kirby was dropping you all off at your houses. 

Kirby finally broke the silence. "So uh, kind of cool we got out after lunch today. I mean, the reasons not, but still. Just saying." She gave with a slight cringe.

Randy sighed with a light shrug. "Hey, we were excited too…Before the Final Act, at least." 

Jill looked apprehensively at you and then Randy. "You think the killers might strike tonight?" 

"For sure. Absolutely. " You and Randy both said in unison just a different word with the same damn meaning.

Randy continued. "It's just standard at this point. Big group of kids, party place in the middle of nowhere, drinking and breaking the rules just to be offed one by one with no one even paying attention because either they're too drunk or too busy screwing-" 

"Or-" You held up a finger; finishing his sentence for him. "They'll think someone getting stabbed to death is a part of a prank…Maureen Evans. Premiere of Stab 1998." 

Randy nodded and snapped his finger towards you. "Yep. No one even helped her. They all thought it was part of the immersive experience of Stab." 

Jill gave a shake of her head and a grimace. "Wow, that's awful." 

Kirby chimed in looking more interested than shocked. "Oh yeah! They totally should have used that in Stab 3's intro kill." 

"Legal issues." Randy was just as casual about it as she was as he told her. 

Kirby looked over at him. "Wait, didn't you work in the film industry? You mentioned it one day...I think when I was getting The Human Centipede last month. " 

Jill glared at her. "Don't ever make me watch that again. Seriously. Something is wrong with you." 

Kirby just snickered to herself as Randy gave a shrug once again. "Eh, just tech. My first movie was Stab 3 directed by none other than Roman Bridger." He gave with a wag of his brows and a tight lipped smile. 

Kirby hissed out. "Oh, shit. But never again?" 

"No, wasn't really qualified-" 

You interrupted him after rolling your eyes. "Randy went to college for a Film Major he refuses to use." You gave him a look from the backseat. 

"What?" Kirby laughed out as she drove. "No way, that's epic! But uh…Why not go be the next Sam Raimi? Shit, if someone can make Human Centipede then any of us can make it in the Industry. " 

 "Because it's a pointless little idea, Kirby." 

Kirby scoffed. "No it isn't! You don't even have to go to Hollywood if you don't want to. You can use your film major in a more…Entrepreneur way." 

Randy raised his brows. "...What?" 

Kirby stopped at a stop sign a bit heavy on the brakes. "I mean, Jenna Marbles can cut up soap for Kermit and people love it!" 

Randy and you blinked a bit at her; having zero idea what she was talking about. 

 Jill explained. "Anyone can be famous now. You just make people laugh or cry or be interesting." 

Randy cringed slightly and mumbled. "I don't really want the fame part. We get enough of that." You looked at the mirror at your cheek as a reminder of how 'famous' you all are.

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