Part 6

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(Sorry for the delay! Thanks for being patient guys I love reading all your comments they're like writing fuel for me 😗🖤)

"Oh my God…You seriously came here?"

Billy rubbed his wrist that you twisted as he stepped away from you. "Yeah, all because some moron decided coming back to this town was a good idea. If it isn't Stu picking the most dumbass choice humanly possible; it's you."

What he said didn't even faze you enough to reply. You just stared a moment longer. Taken aback by both of them.

Stu had hardly any piercings left. He surprisingly had his hair back to his natural color but in the same slightly spiked look he had a decade ago. Possibly a bit shorter than the last time you saw him to the point it looked more like teen Stu than you had seen since 96. No visible signs of aging at all. With you all only being 32 to 33 years old, that wasn't too shocking. He was wearing a white tank under a dark red button down shirt he rolled up his forearms. It strikingly reminded you of his robe he wore to the party 15 years ago. And then a simple dark pair of jeans and slightly pointed black boots. It was arguably the most 'grown up' you'd ever seen Stu dress while still adding his own flare.

Billy…Now Billy looked so different, it was no wonder you didn't recognize him at first. His hair wasn't as short as it was at Windsor but it was close. His natural waves were fluffy and soft looking as opposed to the oily or crunchy gelled strands near his face you were always used to seeing. He still had deep set eyes but his under eyes weren't nearly as dark or deep as they used to be. His facial hair was gone. He looked more filled out and healthy compared to the last time you saw him; sleep deprived and thinking cigarettes were food. His face was older too. No fine lines, just a more prominent jawline that looked like puberty hit him later in life than it did a guy like Stu. He truly looked different. It was such a stark contrast to the underweight, tired eyed, longer haired 23 year old you last saw. He was wearing a black jacket with a grayish blue t-shirt underneath and a pair of jeans with work boots.

"...You gonna get the gun out of our faces or what?" Billy demanded again, still holding his arm you twisted with an offended glare your way.

You kept it pointed, steading yourself. "...So obviously you both sent the note... Why? Why not just say it was you two over the phone?"

Stu shrugged with a half cringe half smirk.  "And ruin the surprise of it all? Same scenario as the last time you saw us. You might not have even came if you knew it was us AND I'm leary of calling you up while you're here in town with Ray and Gale. We can't just wait around in the open so we decided on the note."

"That's understandable, I guess?..." You trailed off while you kept your gun aimed.

"And you calling the law is always a factor." Billy mumbled.

You bit at your inner cheek debating whether to say it. "...I told you both a long time ago; I'm not going to the law. If you both try something; I'll handle it myself…Besides, Woodsboro police aren't an option now."

"Why?" Stu asked. "I mean…Great news for us but why?"

"...Because Dewey is the Sheriff now." You gave, gun still aimed at both of them. "Informing him isn't exactly a great idea for any of us right now; not with this new killer stalking around town and all of us vulnerable."

Both their eyes widened a bit at that

Billy scoffed. "Sheriff? Who the hell voted him in?"

You shrugged with only your shoulders as your gun stayed pointed at them. "He's a town hero and he's dealt with these killers 3 times. He won in a landslide…Now why are both of you here after so long? Inviting me to an isolated Inn late at night with a killer on the loose is freaking dumb."

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