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A Week after the Battle of Pozharnov.

In the depths of the Batcave, illuminated by the soft glow of the Batcomputer screens, Clark and Bruce discussed the unsettling encounter they had with Darkseid through the portal that led to Apokolips. The memory of that first glance at the formidable lord of Apokolips left an indelible mark on both of them, though Clark was the one to voice his concerns.

"I could sense a great power within him even from a distance after we stopped Fury and Steppenwolf," Clark admitted, his typically confident demeanor tinged with uncertainty. "I have a feeling that they were just the beginning. Darkseid is the one we should be worried about."

Bruce, with a deep frown etched on his face, couldn't agree more. But their discussion was interrupted by an unexpected arrival. A man in a distinctive green suit, with a buzzed black haircut, hovered above them, defying gravity and security measures.

 A man in a distinctive green suit, with a buzzed black haircut, hovered above them, defying gravity and security measures

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"You're exactly right, Superman," the intruder said, his voice carrying a sense of authority and urgency. "Darkseid is coming, and that means this world is in serious trouble."

Clark couldn't hide his surprise, and Bruce was visibly stumped by how this individual had infiltrated the Batcave undetected.

"Who are you?" Clark inquired, his blue eyes fixed on the newcomer.

The man introduced himself calmly, "Name's John Stewart. I'm a member of the Green Lantern Corps." His words hung in the air, signaling that the impending threat was even more significant than they had initially feared.


Mera and Vulko watched from a safe distance as Arthur, their true king, embarked on his first day at college. The young Atlantean had decided to explore the university on his own, and they respected his desire for independence. However, their concerns weighed heavily on their minds as they observed the surface world from afar.

Vulko, the wise and trusted advisor, began the conversation with a deep sense of purpose. "The rule of King Orm grows more unstable with each passing day. He blames his half-brother Arthur for his existence and seeks war between the surface and Atlantis."

Mera, with her vibrant red hair flowing like a waterfall, nodded in agreement. "Indeed, Vulko. Orm's anger and lust for power have clouded his judgment. He sees Arthur as a threat to his rule."

Vulko continued, "I believe that Arthur is the key to bringing peace between the surface and Atlantis. He possesses the potential to bridge the gap, but convincing him won't be easy."

Mera sighed, her aqua-colored eyes reflecting her worry. "Especially considering his mother, Queen Atlanna, fled to protect her son and husband from persecution. She fell in love with a surface dweller, and for that, she was pursued relentlessly by King Orvax Marius, Orm's father."

Vulko's expression darkened at the mention of Atlanna's fate. "There have been rumors that Atlanna was found and executed by King Orvax Marius, but Arthur refuses to accept that. He tirelessly searches for his mother, hoping she is still alive."

As they watched Arthur blend into the bustling crowds of students, they couldn't help but wonder about the immense burden he carried on his shoulders and the challenges that lay ahead, both on the surface and in Atlantis.


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