The Dying Minutes.

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In a daring maneuver, Victor had managed to slip past the distracted parademons, who were preoccupied with redirecting their remaining forces to defensive positions. He arrived at the location of the unified mother boxes, a mesmerizing sight of synchronized power. Despite the awe-inspiring display, Victor remained focused on his mission.

"Batman, I'm in position," he reported to the Dark Knight.

Batman acknowledged Victor's status with a nod, preparing for the critical moment when Cyborg would interface with the Unity. "On my mark. Three! Two!"

However, just as Victor was getting ready to act, a Parademon overheard their communication and lunged at him from behind, locking him in a tight chokehold. Victor struggled against the creature's grip, desperation in his voice as he exclaimed, "Get the hell off me!" He tried to break free by delivering back elbows to the Parademon's stomach, determined to reach the Unity and complete his mission but the parademon held a firm grip.


As Fury made a swift swipe of her sword, determined to press her advantage, Wonder Woman summoned her second wind. With renewed vigor, she intercepted the attack, using her Amazonian skill and finesse to block Fury's strike with her own weapons.

The clash of swords echoed through the desolate streets of Pozharnov, Russia, as these fierce Amazon/God hybrids engaged in a high-stakes battle of skill and determination. The personal vendetta between them only intensified their resolve, and the outcome of their conflict remained uncertain, hanging in the balance as they continued their relentless duel.

Amidst the clash of weapons and the intensity of their battle, Fury questioned Wonder Woman's unwavering determination, asking why she persisted in fighting for what Fury perceived as a hopeless cause.

In response, Diana's voice rang out with unwavering conviction, "An Amazon will not surrender as long as she can still draw a breath."

Fuelled by her commitment to protect her mother and prevent Fury from achieving her revenge, Wonder Woman summoned every ounce of her strength and determination. With a resounding show of power, she overpowered Fury, her resolve shining as brightly as her legendary Amazonian spirit.

The battle between these formidable warriors continued, but Wonder Woman's determination remained unyielding, her heart and soul dedicated to the defense of her people and the preservation of her mother's legacy.

Drawing upon her unparalleled combat skills and determination, Wonder Woman moved with remarkable precision. In a swift and calculated maneuver, she disarmed Fury of both her sword and shield she held, leaving her adversary defenseless.

The battle between Wonder Woman and Fury raged on, with each combatant displaying incredible skill and determination. Fury managed to block Wonder Woman's right hand strike and delivered a powerful punch to her chest, sending the Amazonian warrior skidding several feet away.

However, Diana recovered quickly and, with her unyielding resolve, used her lasso to ensnare Fury's wrist, attempting to force her adversary into submission. She commanded, "Yield."

Gritting her teeth and refusing to surrender to the magical properties of Diana's lasso, Fury replied with a resolute "Never" as she skillfully and swiftly escaped the lasso's grasp. With determination in her eyes, Fury dragged Diana towards her while using her foot to retrieve her sword, their swords clashing once more in a dazzling display of combat prowess.

The ghostly streets of Pozharnov, Russia, were a battleground where these two formidable warriors clashed, their wills unbroken as they fought with all their might.

Drawing upon her combat skills and experiences in Man's World, Wonder Woman employed her boxing techniques with surprising precision, catching Fury off guard. Her punches landed with accuracy and force, leaving Fury momentarily stunned.

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