To Ride to Lorinand

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Legolas had learned that if he could not find Celebriel there was one place that she would surely be, in the stables grooming and feeding the horses of Imladris, or any other horse she could get her hands on.

She took comfort in being around the beasts, brushing their flanks, and combing out their manes and tails. She did not even mind the menial task of cleaning out the manure from the stalls like a common stable hand, she found comfort in it, princess though she was.

This morning Legolas went directly to the stables, seeking to find her for he had an urgent need to speak to her. He found her there, as he knew he would, dressed in her oldest clothes, grooming Ariel. She had picked up one of her hooves and was cleaning the frog, making sure the inside of her hoof was clean.

"Celebriel," he said and she looked up at him.

"Have you come to help me, Legolas?" she asked, "I can always use help."

"The grooms could help you, but you won't let them. You think that you can do it better, so you won't allow anyone to help, even if they offer."

"Have you come to reprimand me for the way I treat the horses, Legolas? If so, I am not interested." She turned back to Ariel to clean her next hoof, but Legolas took her by the arm.

"My father has commanded that I return to the Greenwood, before the road becomes too dangerous. He wants me to bring you with me, you will be safer there than you are in Imladris."

"Tell your father thank you for his consideration, but I do not have the luxury of preserving my safety. I will be needed her when Elrond and Gildor realize that they will need help because they will not have enough men to break a siege if that is what happens. Amroth will listen to me and me alone, if Imladris needs help I will have to convince Amroth to help us. I was hoping that you would come with me."

"I cannot, Celebriel, you know I cannot. I was hoping by staying here I could convince you to marry me. Your father and mother are in favor of the match, but they warned me that you might not be so easily persuaded. Something else drives you, they told me, something more important to you than marriage and children. I did not realize until now that they were right."

"I am surprised they said that, they have tried to push me into marriage before. They have favored matches with Gildor and Glorfindel and though they are men I respect, I will not consider marriage now. I was put here on Middle Earth to fight a great evil, one that has not yet manifested but will. Also, I do not intend to take to the ships, not unless I lose all hope for Middle Earth. I was born here, and here I will remain for I think someday I will be needed."

"I am sorry to hear this, Celebriel, I believe that we could live together very happily. You were content living in Greenwood, and you were loved by all, especially by me and my father. I was hoping that you would return with me."

"When are you leaving, Legolas?" she asked, dreading the answer she would receive.

"I am leaving tomorrow morning," he replied, "Early, just after dawn. I plan on riding fast, so I can arrive as soon as possible. If you wish to bid me farewell, you must catch me then."

She nodded. Both knew that she would hide in the stables to keep anyone from seeing her grief. She did not want Legolas to leave, she wanted him to stay with her. What she wanted from him was time, time to be able to give him what he wanted but she was not sure if he was willing to wait for her. She wanted marriage someday, perhaps, but she knew there was a purpose to her life that overrode her happiness. She could not even think of marriage until her task was completed.

She did not see him leave the next morning, she did not bid him farewell. Elrond had received a message from Amroth, saying bluntly that the affairs of Imladris were not his concern. Was it not enough that his father had sacrificed his life in the last elven war? No elf from Lorinand would give their life for the Noldor ever again.

Lord of the Rings:  The Heir to LorienWhere stories live. Discover now