CH. 8: Argument

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    I come here to see my sister flapping with excitement

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    I come here to see my sister flapping with excitement. She is overflowing with joy right now. "You okay?" I ask with a slight giggle. She giggles. "Yes, I just got a possible date." She smiles but as soon as daddy heard, he wasn't happy. "What?! A date!" He shrieked.

    Sadie looked around, trying to look confused. "What?! Date! Haha! I meant in the date 'day!'" She lies. Dad shakes his head. "I'm not deaf, Sadie, what's the boy's name??" He asks, with a slight tone in his voice. "B-Brian," she mutters. "He asked me to go to the cafe with him."

Dad looked angry. "No! Your not going, I don't care if he gets mad at you. Your too young to date." He murmurs. Sadie frowns. "Hey, daddy, she is 14, she can date!" I say to my father. He gasps and goes to me, looking angry. "Mind your business and do your reading homework," he rolls his eyes.

I go back upstairs, hoping that Sadie was okay. I wanted to go back down and make sure she was fine, but I couldn't because dad would kill me for what I did. I heard the door slam and dad yelling. Was Sadie sneaking out on a date?

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