CH. 14: Adopted

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I'm sitting in a room with a lonely girl, she looks over at me

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I'm sitting in a room with a lonely girl, she looks over at me. "H-Hi." The shy girl says to me. "Hi, you ok?" I ask her. She crawls away, looking scared. "Please... don't be scared. I understand that you're shy. You okay?" I ask, grabbing onto her hand. She scratches my hand and punches it.

Feisty. I think, but shy. I get up and decide to leave her alone. But she runs towards me, "wait!" I turn around, confused. "S-Sorry... Do-wn Syn-drome." I smile. Down syndrome. So cool! I think, smiling bright. "That's so cool!" I give her a hug, she gasps.

"H-Hugs? I haven't g-got one si-nce I was t-two." She stutters with slight tremble, I could feel her trembling. Her Down syndrome must be making her scared. "Don't be scared... I'll be here for you." I hug her and she smiles, the trembling stops.

I should be a therapist when I grow up! I think delightfully. "Friends?" I ask. She nods. "M-My number." She hands me a piece of paper with a phone number on it. "Your phone number?" I ask, she nods again. I text the number.


Oh hi
Are you from the adoption centre
It's me the girl called Zoey

Oh hi! I'm Annalise :)

How did you do that :0
I figured it out :)

Yay! Let's play.

Until I heard knocking on the door. "Open the noor." Ms. Patel joked. Me and Zoey start to laugh. "Sorry to bust your business, but Annalise, someone wants to adopt you." Ms. Patel smiles and I gasp. Zoey gasps and frowns and crawls away.

"D-Do they w-want m-m-me too? N-No... th-ey d-don't want me I-I'm guessing. B-Because of my d-down syndrome." Zoey silently cries and I crawl over to comfort her. "C'mon, Annalise. Zoey, I'll talk to you later." Ms. Patel sighs.

At least I have her phone number. I sigh. A beautiful rich family came in with bright smiles and tons of Gucci bags. "Hey?" I say with disgust. They look like pick me's, in my opinion. I roll my eyes in my head. "Hi, beautiful!" The brown haired woman says.

Probably the pick me mom. I think to myself. "Hi! Nice to meet you, future sister." A girl who's my age smiles. She looks familiar to my friend... Cat. Cat was a friend from school, if you don't remember. "Wait... your adopting me?! But what about my sister, Sadie!" I shriek, "and Zoey..."

The pick me mom rolls her eyes. "I don't need a dumb 14 year old and a kid with Down syndrome." She's a pick me. I roll my eyes at her. "I'm gonna go say goodbye to Zoey and Sadie." I come back into the room where Zoey is and I see her laughing with Sadie.

Sadie hears my footsteps and looks up at me, she sees my face completely pink. "Are you good?" Sadie asks. Zoey backs up, scared. "Zoey, it's ok... I'm gonna miss you." My voice cracks while I'm talking. I'm gonna miss Zoey and Sadie. I think while tears sting in my eyes.

"What are you talking about?" Sadie asks, obviously confused. "I'm getting adopted..." I confused while crying. Zoey and Sadie gasp and run over to hug me. "C'mon, sweetie! We filled out the papers." The pick me, who is now my mom calls out.

"O-ok. I gotta go." I hug Sadie and Zoey for the last time I'll see them. So long, Sadie and Zoey. You changed my life. I love you, Sadie... I love you, Zoey... I miss you already.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2023 ⏰

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