chapter 6: journey to her dwelling

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march 30th, 2023,

back at pennsylvania...

"i wish you didn't lose your goddamn phone in the bald warriors' ship so we could know how to get around here." aries rolled his eyes and groaned.

the pyrates have been walking around a rural area for around 2 hours. they've passed by this one convenience store around... 3 or 4 times. yes. they do have a bit of spare change, but luck wasn't on their side in terms of navigating. sydney's phone is dead, aries' phone was on the plane stuck in 1717, hayden lost her phone on the bald warriors' battleship, and spencer's signal is so bad that he can't even properly open maps.

"okay??? if anything, sydney should be the one who knows the way to her own house." hayden retorted.

"maybe if stupid fucking pitbull didn't drop our asses in the middle of a field in pennsylvania, we would probably be there now.😒" sydney spat back.

"i think we're almost there, though. if we've been walking for this long, then it should be reasonable." spencer suggested.

"you're kinda right man. i sort of recognize this street. let's just keep going guys." sydney pickle proposed.

the group proceeded to walk down the street in peace.


that was until a big boom happened...




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"my pussy tastes like pepsi cola" an echoing voice is heard behind spanky wankies.

"oh. my. GOD."

"LANA???? 😱😱😱" sydney screams.

"WAHT IS BAPPENING..." aries told the rest of the group.

"i have a taste for men who are older." lana sings❤️she has such a beautiful voice. love her!

"is that a dinosaur." hayden muttered.

"we need to keep moving guys. idk how important those fucking watches are, but ya." sydney suggests.

"is this ohio" aries asks



the pyrates keep moving despite there being people getting sucked up by ufos! and a dinosaur crushing buildings. and lana del rey setting off trash fires.

"bro god is not on our side this time around." spencer shivers. he's scared for what comes next!

"spency wency please tell me you're getting a signal on your fucking phone so we can get home." sydney said.

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