☆ || 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞, 𝐑𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭?

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It was odd, the position you were in.

Well, more-so you were afraid—of course everything about this was odd, mostly horrifying.

Luckily for you, Home took a liking to you. It at least helped you try to hide from him.

"Where are you..." He called out in the soft tone, his figure from a distance showing something was in his hand, though you didn't have time to decipher exactly what.

Was it was weapon? A bat? Or maybe a handful of flowers that he use to always give you? How you wished everything was like back then.

"C'mon out, sweetheart. Please..."

His voice echoed through the halls, you hid in a dark room behind the curtains that Home thoughtfully brought out for you. It watched you, and him. It was mindful to not look at you too much though, not to give you away.

How rude would that be, hm?

It was silly though... If anything, Home could have led Wally right towards you, but it seemed to enjoy the little cat and mouse chase you two were in.

"Please, we can enjoy some quality time together! Isn't that what a couple is supposed to do..?"

Couple, the word felt like cherry cough medicine along your tongue. For some reason, Wally saw your affection as something more, something special you only gave to him and no one else. Here you thought you were being friendly, it was hard not to be when Wally's personality was somewhat contagious.

Well, the personality he held up in front of the others, a fake.

You wondered how exactly you'd leave Home, you already tried opening the front door but of course, it didn't budge.

"Why are you hiding? Did I frighten you? I already apologized, what more must I do? I'll do anything, I promise!"

He begged, but you already heard the hint of lying that laced those words. Though something inside you made you want to talk it out, seems that was just the effect Wally had.

Home gave a somewhat quiet creak to you, it's eyes looking towards an empty room for you to run into. You nodded and patted the wall as some sort of 'thank you'.

Though, with the creak that it made, it alerted Wally.

"Home... Where are they..?"

Wally almost felt hurt that Home was helping you, but, what else was it supposed to do? He sighed and walked to the room you were in, though you quickly made it to the room Home directed you to.

As you entered the dimly lit room, you realized it was a dead end. Colorful striped wallpaper on each wall, no windows, and no other ways to leave except the way you entered. Maybe Home looking towards this room was more of a warning than an invitation.

Dread then filled you as the lights turned on.

"I found you!"

The voice behind you frightened you, causing you to fall to the floor. You quickly turned and seen a grinning Wally, taking steps towards you which caused you to back away.

"Ha ha ha... I don't know why you ran away..." He looked away, arms behind his back as he sulked. His head then snapped back towards you, smiling once more. "That wasn't very nice..."

With each step he took towards you was you backing away in return. Again, again, and again.

Again, until your back hit the cold wall.

Wally kneeled down gently, his face leveling with yours as he was now on the floor with you. His cold hand moved towards your face, gripping your cheek as it crafted your face, keeping you from looking away.

As he admired your face, he let out a shaky breath,

"You're so funny... You know you're mine... right?"

Your breathing started to quicken as you were afraid of what he'd do. Would he use the thing he had in his hand?

Remembering it, you looked and saw nothing, was there anything there to begin with?

His hand shook your face harshly, "What are you looking at? Keep your eyes on me—!" His voice came out aggressive, his expression then softened.

"Sorry... But have some manners, keeping eye contact is polite..."

Your eyebrows furrowed as you tried badly to not show anymore fear than you already were. Your breathing then hitched as Wally sat in between your legs, getting closer to you.

"Ha ha ha. Home is so sweet, isn't he? He brought us together after all. Ha ha ha."

His eyes intensely followed yours as his smile was never broken. You felt frozen, paralyzed in shock as you tried to figure out how to get out of this. It felt impossible to focus with Wally's piercing eye contact.

It was odd, the position you were in.

Wally sat close in front of you, your back against the wall.

His hand then dragged down from your cheek to your chin, returning to his chest—laying flat at where he assumed was his heart. His eyes still stared at yours.

To him, it felt like only you two existed. Only the two of you. Together, forever. How he loved that idea, how he thought about it everyday.

But to you, it felt like you had died and were sent to purgatory.

This moment was a dream to Wally, but a nightmare for you.

Your suffering seemed to heighten as Wally's arms slithered around your waist, hugging you tightly. His head resting on your chest.

You brought him peace. Your body, your warmth against him sent shivers down his spine. It was amazing.

"This is love, right? I—I want to do more. More than the things Barnaby told me about."

He smiled wider than you thought was possible. You knew this wasn't love, and maybe he knew as well.

That thought didn't come across to him though, you entering Home was already a sign that you agreed to his love. That you loved him back.

The idea was almost unreal to him, but here you were, in his arms. His head snuggled your chest as he giggled.

"You won't leave, right? Ha ha ha. What am I saying—? Of course you won't."

He picked up his head to look at you, admiration filling his eyes as his pupils were completely dilated.

"The fun we'll have together... Aren't you excited, sweetheart?"

~ 🌊

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