♡ || 𝐒𝐢𝐜𝐤, 𝐨𝐫 𝐒𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐥𝐲 𝐢𝐧 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞?

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"Sweetheart, won't you take care of me...?"

A very sluggish and weak Wally whined, leaning close to you as you stirred the soup that was warming in the pot on the stove.

"I will in a second, you should be in bed resting by the way..."

You gave him a small glare and he gasped dramatically, placing his hand on his forehead, his other gripping his chest. "You expect someone as sick as me would want to be alone in a sad bed that's in a sad room...?"

Has Barnaby been teaching him to be dramatic?

A loud creak was heard from Home, seeming to be offended in a way from Wally's indirect insult in which he noticed and cleared his throat, fixing his posture.

Somehow, some magical miracle, Wally had gotten sick. To you, you thought this would be time where you'd have to yourself, to breathe from his clinginess, but nope. If anything, it made him worse. He was all over you, maybe he was trying to get you sick as well.

He nuzzled his head into your shoulder and sighed, his body temperature heating up your side. It was so different, usually he was as cold as a ice cube.

Finally placing the cover on the pot of soup to let it heat up a little more, you brushed your hands off on your apron and took it off, turning to Wally who had a smile on his face, per usual.

"All done, now let's get you back to bed."

You motioned him towards his room. There was definitely a struggle, but sooner or later he was in his pajamas and ready to get some much needed rest that everyone needed when they were sick.

"Could you stay with me for a bit..?"

Wally asked shyly, cozy under the covers of his bed, quite out of character for him to be necessarily shy, but it was sweet in a way.

You chuckled, "I'm always with you, but sure. I'll be here."

You reassured him as you pulled out a stool to sit on while being beside his bed. His eyes squinted as his smile grew more, gently bringing out his hand from under the cover for you to hold, you accepted it and held it, feeling him squeeze softly.

"Stay until I fall asleep. Or stay longer and watch me dream of you."

He winked. Laughing again, you placed your other hand on top of his.

"I will be here until you fall asleep, and when you wake up, you'll have a warm bowl of soup waiting for you."

Wally closed his eyes, mumbling to himself a bit. A few words you caught were mixtures of how much he loved you and how much he would enjoy that soup. It was endearing, and adorable to say the least.

"Sweetheart... So good to me... Just me..."

You rolled your eyes and leaned back a little, watching as Wally began to slowly drift off to sleep. A smile was still plastered on his face as his breathing slowed.

His hand still had a hold on you, but you managed to slip out of his grasp and gently place his hand back under the covers. Getting up and leaning over to him, you kissed his forehead.

"Sweet dreams." You whispered, quietly walking out the room to check on the soup. Luckily you remembered to keep the heat on low, you wouldn't want a repeat of yesterday. Though, that really wasn't your fault.

Walking through the halls of Home, you hummed it a tune, helping putting it at ease—a small coo of Home creaking suggested its appreciation. Seemed everyone needed to be relaxed for the day.

Finally entering the kitchen, you opened the pot to the soup and the delicious smelling air hit you, it was finished. It wouldn't hurt to pour a bowl for yourself, though Wally would be hurt to know you were eating by yourself.

After all, he did enjoy doing everything with you.

You thought against it and decided to simply wait for Wally to wake up. Now that the opportunity was there, you really didn't know what to do with your time alone.

Sighing, you made your way back to Wally's room, maybe you'd get a nap in too.

Once entering the room again, you saw a still sleeping Wally, but now he held a pillow close to his chest, the pillow you usually used when you slept over. You smiled softly and took your seat back on the stool you left.

Crossing your arms, you leaned on the bed and rested your head on your arms near Wally. Closing your eyes, you listened to your breathing, making it calm and slow. Soon you felt sleep take your hand as you rested peacefully with Wally.

Your eyes opened slowly, taking in what was around you. Once your eyes focused, you were met with weight on your body and comfy material under you. You were on the bed, but you don't remember getting on...

The weight on you moved, you looked down and seen exactly who you thought. Wally had somehow brought you onto the bed and there he was, resting on your chest. No pillow or bed was as comfy as you to him.

His head soon picked up as his eyes met yours, giggling.

"Ha ha. Wonder how that happened... Guess you'll have to stay here... with me..."

You sighed and placed a hand on top of Wally's back, accepting defeat. You two were ultimately tired, so why not?

Wally giggled at his win as he cuddled more closer to you.

"If I get you sick, then we can take care of each other... Wouldn't that be something...?"

He hummed happily, enjoying the feeling of you so close to him. It was comforting, and maybe it was a risk of getting sick, but you were willing to take that risk.

For the sake of comfort and sleep.

"That would be something... Let's get some more shut-eye.."

You felt Wally nod against your chest, you patted his back gently as the two of you began to drift off to sleep together. So peaceful, so warm.

~ 🌊

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