Chapter 4: Ring, Ring, Ring!

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What counts in making a happy marriage is not so much how compatible you are, but how you deal with incompatibility.

-Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy


"Get up." A woman's voice roused Beast Boy from his peaceful slumber. His heavily lidded emerald eyes opened with confusion.

It was pitch-black in the room and he could not see a thing until he got used to the darkness. Then he noticed the rather impatient looking girl looming over him.

"Rae, what are you doing in my room?" Beast Boy questioned thinking he was in the Tower.

"This isn't your room. It's the den."


"We're still stuck in that nightmare. You know, the one where I'm stuck married to you." Raven said sardonically, bitter over the situation.

"Oh yeah, right. Because being your husband is a blessing and all." He pulled himself off the couch and turned on a lamp.

"What time is it?" The young man asked, ignoring the glare his wife was giving him.

"It's 7:00," she answered.

"When do I have to go to work?" Beast Boy asked.

Raven shrugged her shoulders and made her way into the kitchen where she left her mug of tea. Beast Boy noted her red sweater, black dress slacks, and black heels.

"What's with the fancy clothes?"

"I'm dressed for work."

"Yeah, but you're only a teacher." The young woman felt a sense of anger surge through her at this statement.

"It's one of the top schools in the country." She stated matter-of-factly.

"How do you know?'

"Unlike you, I actually did research on where I work."

"How?" Beast Boy asked yet another question. Raven rolled her now blue eyes in annoyance.

"I looked up the website."

"Oh. So did you find out what grade you teach?" At this, the young man saw Raven's face pale.

"No." She lied, not wanting to give Beast Boy the satisfaction of knowing and making fun of her.

"Dude! How am I gonna know where the vet's is?"

"Get the name of the office off the caller ID and check online." Raven offered. In all honesty, she felt bad for Beast Boy knowing all too well that working as a veterinarian was going to be no walk in the park. At least she had some idea as to what to be in store for.

"Good idea." Beast Boy picked up the phone and brought it over to the computer and began his search. "Man, it's only like four blocks away. Gotta be there by 9."

"I know." Raven washed her mug and put it in the dishwasher.

"Wait, how?"

"I already looked it up earlier."

"Why didn't you just tell me then? Hey! Why did you wake me up so early?" He complained, moving from the computer chair back to the couch to lie down.

"One, because maybe you should learn how to do things on your own. And two, if I didn't wake you up you would have never made it to work."

"You, Rae, are impossible. Does it physically pain you to do something nice? I mean c'mon."

"Does it physically pain you to say the last syllable of my name? And besides I did do something nice. Now you are one step closer to being more independent and you won't be late."

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