plan b

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Seriously Harry you ruined the moment. I'm sorry yall were so loud it's not my fault but yall did use a condom. Right? Umm we got carried away in the moment so no. Ayden I gotta head home before my mom sees I'm not there. No your going to text your mom that your studying and me and you are going to get a pregnancy test and plan b ok. Wh- shit we didn't use a condom if I'm pregnant we are taking a huge break from sleeping together. Yeah then me and her are gonna sleep together because I remember to put on a condom unlike you. Fuck off Harry she will never sleep with you. Ayden is right I will never sleep with you. Then how about you get dressed and go to the damn drug store. Harry your the only one with a license so please. Only if me and her can kiss if she is pregnant or sleep together if she is not. What no- Ayden please I don't want my mom finding so please agree. Ok fine but only for you.

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