First Anniversary⚠️

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Roseanne continued to ponder about Park Jimin's behavior until they arrived at Lotte.

Having being scooped up by Park Jimin the moment she got out of the car, Roseanne protested in a firm voice, "Why are you carrying me? You are drunk, put me down." Park Jimin just signaled Bambam to walk ahead of them.

"I said, put me down!" she said, glaring at her husband.

In response, Park Jimin kissed her while ignoring her words, annoying her more in the process. Was this because the man was drunk?

Roseanne narrowed her eyes at Park Jimin before pinching his chest, making sure that the latter would feel enough pain to wake up from whatever this was that he was doing. However, he just grinned at her before lowering his head and kissing Roseanne, silencing her.

"I am not drunk," he uttered after abruptly ending the kiss. He walked inside the elevator and did not say anything until they arrived at the top floor of the building. Roseanne's face lit up the moment the elevator opened to show her a large canvas with her smiling face on the foyer.

However, she masked her surprised and narrowed her eyes at Park Jimin, wondering what the man had been up to. Sensing her stare, Park Jimin just smiled at her. "It's the anniversary of our first month as a married couple. We were so busy that both of us did not have the time to spend time with each other today," he gently said.

Roseanne lowered her head and kept silent in response. Actually, she knew today was their anniversary but thought that he had forgotten, so she did not say anything. Or maybe she was just a little... shy. She could not muster up the courage to give him the gift she had prepared for him. What if Park Jimin forgot? Wouldn't it be too awkward if she gave him a gift out of nowhere?

"It's okay if you forgot. I don't mind," Park Jimin said, slowly putting Roseanne on the couch in their living room.

"No!" she blurted. For some reason, she could feel her heart drumming against her chest, threatening to come out and voice out the things that she wanted to say. "I... I remember. Ehem..." She avoided his eyes and hastily opened her bag to fetch the velvet box before handing it to Park Jimin. "I even prepared a gift for you. But you didn't greet me or say something this morning. You just acted like usual and left for work. And you even dare to say that I forgot? I may not be as smart as you, but I don't... Hmmmm."

Roseanne swallowed her words as he leaned forward to kiss her. He was kneeling in front of her at the moment. Once again, he scooped her up in his arms and strode towards their bedroom, his lips still on hers. His hands slowly reached out to unzip her dress, letting it fall to the floor.

Then he slowly put her down, his tall frame looking down at her delicate one. Roseanne also stared at him, her eyes darkened as a slow blush crawled up her neck. As he held her lush lips and golden eyes in his gaze, Park Jimin wanted nothing more than to tear at his clothes, ravage her, and plunge into her. But that night wasn't meant for such actions. He clenched his jaw and swallowed a mouthful of saliva as he restrained his passion. His eyes dilated with need.

Roseanne snaked her arms around his neck, pulling him in for a kiss. Her eyes flitted closed when their lips met, and she was reminded that she had never closed her eyes while kissing him before, not on their first night seven years ago, nor on their first night as a married couple.

Park Jimin's hand made its way to her waist, pulling her closer to him, making her feel his warmth and the rush of emotions that she had failed to notice before.

He gently laid her back down on the bed, his big frame towering over hers. With her eyes still closed, Roseanne reached out to touch the back of his head, gently tugging at his disarrayed hair. She didn't know why this kiss made her emotional. Yet, how could she be emotional over something she couldn't explain? Roseanne found this reasoning contradicting, but it made her feel good.

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