Rumors are rumors

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A mocking grin slowly bloomed on Roseanne's face as she took a step towards Tang Ling. "Over and over you try to offend me. Shouting this and that. Hoping that it will embarrass me... but you fail to think that scandals like this won't affect me. I am not an actress and I don't have a public image to maintain. Everyone in Europe knew how vicious I am. And soon, everyone in Seoul will know this side of me too." Then she eyed Li Jung Wang who just stood near them frozen, his face blank as she watched Roseanne confront his wife.

"Your wife never allowed me to learn English nor any musical instruments. Me and my mother slept in an old maid's quarter. Your wife bullied my mother in front of her so-called friends, insulted her over and over again. She drugged my mother and manipulated everyone. She made me stop going to school in the pretense that I was sick and that my body cannot handle it."

"I... I did not know." Li Jung Wang answered. He really was unaware that this happened. Though he found it hard to believe Roseanne's words, he also knew how everyone in this venue already have a favorable impression of Roseanne. If he says something wrong, these people would definitely judge him and it will affect his business ventures in the future.

"I know that you didn't know this." Roseanne said while slowly turning her gaze to Tang Ling. "I also know that you did not bother to ask nor listen to my words."

"Now... all that is left for you is to watch. Watch as I reap the interest of what you owe me." Roseanne added. She then stared at Tang Ling intently who was now so red from anger yet, she was still able to maintain the composed look on her face. Such an excellent actress, Roseanne thought.

With these in mind, Roseanne tightened her grip on the champagne glass and slowly poured all its contents to the woman in front of her. This earned a series of surprise gasps from everyone. "That is for drugging me seven years ago." She said.

The moment the champagne was poured all over her, Tang Ling immediately took a step backward. Her gaze towards Roseanne became unsteady before everything registered in her mind. She then let out a gasp and immediately tried to wipe away the champagne on her face.

"You look so fierce." Roseanne said, she took another step towards Tang Ling. "Are you going to slap me? Are you going to raise your voice on me?"

"Tsk...tsk... Ling that would be out of your gentle character." Roseanne added, making Tang Ling look at the people who were watching them. Everyone was watching her with mixed emotions on their eyes. Some pity Tang Ling but some people were also quick to believe Roseanne's words. After all, what will she get if she lie? If Roseanne wanted revenge, she could easily take down Li Industries. She had been in the country for weeks, and yet she never did anything to them.

It was Tang Ling who provoked her first. She even visited her office just to threaten her with those photos! She then released the photos in an attempt to embarrass Roseanne at her own party! Good thing Roseanne was smart enough to turn the situation around. Now, Tang Ling acted like she was the victim while crying in front of everyone. How could they sympathize with a woman was fake as that?

"Li Jung Wang just saved your acting career with the amount of press that he invited for your press conference. Would you really gamble the chance that your husband had given you just to slap me?" Roseanne smiled gently. Seeing Tang Ling calm down from her words, she immediately leaned a little closer towards her and whispered.

"I forgot to thank you. The man that I slept with seven years ago is now my husband. However, he hated that picture as none of them showed his face. I suggest you hire another photographer to do this kind of things next time." Then Roseanne used her hand to wipe a tear on Tang Ling's cheek. "Save your tears. You'll need it later."

Tang Ling squeezed her already balled fists even tighter as fury roared through her mind. Park Jimin was the man in the photo?! How was that possible? Roseanne must be lying to make me feel horrible, Tang Ling thought, hate apparent in her eyes.

Tang Ling felt herself quiver in anger while Roseanne continued to give her a smile.

"Always remember that you are the reason why your family fell from grace, and you will be the reason why the Li Family will continue to fall. And you can only watch, helplessly. Watch them crumble under your feet." Roseanne then took a step back. She tilted her head, and with the same smile plastered on her face she said, "I will see you soon, Mother."

As Roseanne moved, Tang Ling noticed that Park Jimin was standing just a few steps behind Lily. His face was devoid of any expression as he stared at her. He then shifted his gaze to Roseanne as she walked towards him. Park Jimin quickly gave Roseanne a handkerchief to wipe her hands before giving her another glass of champagne. Then the duo walked out of the crowd together while talking, a gentle look clearly visible in his eyes as he talked to her, as if the thing just now did not happen.

Tang Ling's gaze travelled over everyone who still surrounded her. Humiliation and anger coursed through her veins. She wanted to yell at them, curse them for staring at her with such mockery in their eyes.

"Why are you all still here? Go! Leave us!" Li Yeonjun's voice suddenly echoed near Tang Ling as she felt a coat being draped over her shoulders. "Let's leave this place and talk once we get home," Yeonjun said in a voice that easily reminded Tang Ling of her own husband's voice: cold and distant. Tang Ling helplessly nodded before she remembered that Li Jung Wang had been watching them a while ago. She looked around and was not really surprised to see her husband missing from the scene.

To Li Jung Wang, she was an embarrassment right now. Tang Ling felt another stream of tears fall on her cheeks as she imagined the repercussions of her act once they reached home.

"Thank you,." Roseanne accepted the flute of champagne from Park Jimin's hands after returned the handkerchief he'd given to her.

"You did good," Park Jimin said.

"If I hadn't done that, she wouldn't have stopped pestering me," Roseanne said, a little surprised by her honesty towards the man walking next to her.

"I know," he said, his tone a little grim.

"Did you find something?" Roseanne asked.

"Yes. However, I need to call another person," he said, gloomily. All night, he had been calling his men to figure out who had ordered the accident. This was the reason why he was not able to accompany Roseanne during most of the event. Though Park Jimin was a little dejected about it, he also understood the importance of finding the culprit. Roseanne's safety would always be his main priority.

"No worries. I am here. Let's go home together after the event," Roseanne said. How could she not know what he was thinking at this moment? This was supposed to be Secretary Go's job. However, since the latter was still in the hospital, Park Jimin assumed this responsibility. "Do you have someone to replace Secretary Han since he is still in the hospital?"

"I do. He will start on Monday," he answered. "Do you have one?"

Roseanne nodded.

Cathy, her PR manager, would arrive tomorrow, Sunday, and she could always ask her to act as her secretary for a week. Roseanne was sure that Cathy would not mind as she'd always wanted to become Roseanne's right hand woman. Just like Park Jimin, Roseanne was also worried about the mastermind behind the accident. "Go ahead and complete the things that you need to do," she said. In response, Park Jimin nodded before giving her a peck on the cheek before he walked out of the venue.

"What transpired earlier with Tang Ling was a surprise to me," Roseanne didn't even have to turn her head to know that the one speaking to her was Yang Lina. How could she forget the latter's stern tone?

"I am always cruel to people who choose to cross me," Roseanne said as she took a sip from her champagne glass.

"You are as cruel as the rumors say you are."

"Rumors are rumors," Roseanne said. "Experiencing it first hand is still different."

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