Practice Makes Perfect

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Ryder's POV

I snuck out of our house just past 1am.

I had to quickly pick Tay up, 

We needed to get in more practice, because what were doing at practice isn't improving our skill level. We need to be the best, because all these guys have to best at their finger tips, because they play in the NHL.

I parked my car just down the street from Taylor's house. If I pulled into her drive way her parents would hear us and catch us. I watched her climb out her window and run across her roof then climb down the drain spout. It always amused me how she did all that work, when she could use the front door.  But hey whatever floats her boat!

" Alright Ry  we have to be back before 4am." She said as soon as she got in my car.

" You got it Tay." I say putting my SUV into drive.

We just listened to our favourite CD on the way to the arena.

" So tell me again how we got ice time at this time of night?" Tay asked me as we pulled up to the arena just outside of town.

" I got some connections." I said before getting out of the SUV.  I went to the trunk and grabbed my skates and my stick. No need for all the equipment.  Once we got all our things out of the back we walked towards the front door. I pulled out the key Jeff gave me the other day, and unlocked the door for us.

I walked over to the control panel and turned on the lights to the ice surface.  I walked back over to the bench and put on my skates.

" I don't think we should be doing this." Tay said sitting down beside me.

" Why not?" I asked her.

" Because its illegal Ryder." She said back to me.

" How is this illegal Taylor?" I questioned.

" We broke in, that's against the law." She complained.

" We didn't break in, we unlocked the door with a key and walked in." I told her calmly.

" What happens when they see people skated on the ice while no one was here." She said while standing up.

" Taylor Jeff will be here first thing in the morning to flood the ice, no one will ever know that we were here except for Jeff, okay?" I said to her.

" Okay." She said back to me.

" Good, now lace up." I said before stepping on the ice.



" Let me take this last shot." I said over my shoulder to Tay.

" Fine, I'm going to take my skates off." She said before skating over to the bench.

I skated a lap around before going to center ice.

I dropped the puck and looked down the ice to the net. I had a picture of where I wanted the puck to go, so I let the blade of my stick touch the puck.

Then I started skating towards the net.

When I was the distance from the net I wanted I lined up for my deadly slap shot.

But something in my left arm popped...

Then came the pain...

I cried out...

And fell to the ice...

" OH MY GOD RYDER."  I heard Taylor scream.

With the pain everything seemed to come in slow motion...

I felt Tay grab me from behind, but I  couldn't hear what she was saying.

The pain was too much for me to handle...

My body couldn't take it any longer...

And I blacked out.


So here's an update!

I'm sorry I haven't updated in awhile!  It was just a busy time with finishing up school for the summer. But I can write and update without any distractions now! :)

I hope you guys liked this update, I know its short and I leave you hanging but it will get better soon! I really hope you guys are enjoying this story as much as I enjoy writing it! Please comment on what you think, I really need to hear your thoughts on it :)

I have also started writing another hockey story! 


If you like Tyler Seguin and hockey, I guarantee you'll like this story. 

It's called ' Go Get'em Segs' and its already published on my profile, so please go check it out! It's just the prologue up right now, but when it gets some more reads I'll up the next part!

Here's the description of the story...

It's every girls dream to be married to a handsome, charming, caring, loving , respectful man. And him being a professional athlete makes it better right?

Avery knew Tyler long before a hockey career came to mind for him. She gave him that push to become the best of the best.

And it got him to the big leagues.

But after seeing something that shattered Avery she wanted nothing to do with Tyler.

He left their hometown without a goodbye from the love of his life. And the pressure is on for Tyler and the Bruins. Will the feeling of a broken heart bring him down? Or only take him to the top?

Will Avery ever realize that she should have let Tyler explain, or was she right for just leaving?

What happens when everything gets back to normal and a big move puts them to the test. Will they make it though, or will it push them apart again?

So head on over to my profile and give it a read!


Until the next update:)

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