Plan A

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Ryder's POV

It was Friday, and on Fridays Taylor always slept over at my house. And this Friday was going to a special one, since we needed to plan for the tryouts.

Me and Taylor were down in my room just hanging out and talking.

" So Miss Genius what is your plan?" Tay asked me.

I had to think for a moment.

" Well the tryout for the men's team isn't until Monday afternoon at one." I say thinking out loud.

" So we're missing math and science for this tryout?" She asked with a smile.

" Yes Tay we are missing the two worst classes for this." I tell her with a smirk.

" So far I'm in." She says laughing.

" So I was thinking we leave school at lunch to get to the training arena early to change before the rest of the guys get there." I say.

" Good idea Ry, but you know were going up against NHL players right?" She questioned me.

" Duh Tay I knew that, but were just as good as them." I say with confidence.

" Ryder these guys are in the NHL because they are the best of the best. The other team's in the Olympics have the best their country has to offer, and Canada didn't choose us to play for our country. All I'm trying to say Ry is not to get your hopes too high for this." She said getting a little too serious for me.

" But Tay we can't set our bar too low for this plan either. We need all the confidence and hope we have for this coming Monday." I say to her.

" I'm trusting you on this one Ry." She says tackling me on the bed. This a normal Friday night for us, just talking,eating, and wrestling one another.

" You can always trust me Tay." I say while laughing.

" I know Ry." She said.



( Still Ryder's POV )

" What time will you be home tonight?" My mom asked me.

" I'm not too sure mom, this tryout could run for a few hours." I tell her. Your probably freaking out wondering why my mom knows, well my parents know everything. And their supporting me and Taylor on this journey.

" Okay honey, just give it your all and show them what us Masters are all about." She said while hugging me.

" Don't worry mom.'' I say while hugging her.

" Love you Ryder."

" Love you too mom." I say before walking out the front door.

I got in my car and headed for Taylor's. We decided that today we would carpool just to keep each other sane on the way to the arena. I pulled up outside the James residence and laid on the horn.

It took Taylor a few minutes to get outside because she was still putting together her equipment bag. I even told her to have it ready the night before, but Taylor doesn't listen.

When she finally sat in my passenger seat I gave her my evil eye..

" What?" She said feeling uncomfortable under my stare.

" Told you to have that bag ready last night." I tell her.

" I know you did Ry but my parents would know somethings up." She tells me truthfully.

" You still haven't told them Tay?" I asked her shocked.

She just shook her head no.

" Your going to have to tell them sometime soon." I tell her.

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