A Stroll

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I slowly walked through the forest as tears kept forming in my eyes. "How? How can this even.. happen?.."

As I took each step, I felt my heart break piece by piece. What's going to happen now, I do not know.

Then suddenly as the thought went through my head, a tree branch falls. I tried run out of it's way, but I wasn't fast enough. The heavy branch had fallen on my back leg.

I yelped in pain as I tried to move. More and more tears just fall and hit the ground. Then I heard steps..

Could it be?.. Is it Pikachu?.. "Pikachu! Pikachu!", I kept yelping over and over but, no reply.

My eyes widen and I shivered in fear as the creature comes up to me. Then I realized it was.. A human!

I struggled to get free and kept calling for help. I was scared to death.

"Shhh, shhh. It's okay. I promise you will be fine, okay?", the human said. I looked up at the human with a tear rolling down my cheek. She slowly inched furthur and furthur to grab me.

I slivered until I felt the gentle hands help and carry me. She held me close and pet my fur as gentle as possible. "See? It will be okay. I promise I'll take care of you. "

I looked up at the woman as she smiled. She had light brown hair with bright blue eyes. She was so nice and caring. I knew at that moment that I'll be safe.

As she slowly started to walk out the forest, I looked over her shoulder looking for my pikachu, but all I saw was... nothing.

Hoped you enjoyed the chapter!

~Mama Eevee(Nichole Moore)

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