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I sat there and continued to sob and watch my tears slowly fall into the pond. Then all the sudden I heard a noise coming from the bushes behind me. "H-hey. Who is there?!" I said looking around to see who is there.

I thought it might be them again coming back to tease me more. So, I just started to cry more as I prepared to be called horrible things. " Please, who ever you are, leave me alone. I get that I am a nobody. Just please no more"

Then I heard another voice come from the bushes. " I am not like any of them. Please... don't cry. " she said as she popped out of the bushes. I looked behind me to see a Pikachu.

"What's the point. I am no one" I said as I felt a tear go down my cheek. The Pikachu looked at me with a gentle smile. " You're not a nobody... You're beautiful, special, and one of a kind." She said as she started to blush.

I looked up at her with tears still in my eyes. "R-really? You think I-I am beautiful?" I said feeling my face start to heat up. I can't believe someone actually cares about me. And the crazy thing is that we just met. "Yes." she said as she wiped my tears away.

I blushed as I felt her gentle hand touch my face. " You're my beautiful Eevee. And you will always be." she said as she leaned in and kissed my cheek.

I just didn't know what to say or do. No one has ever loved me before... Could this be love at first sight? Well, I guess so. I soon as I saw her I felt a connection. It was weird...

Pikachu blushed when she realized what she did. " I-I am sorry. I d-didn't mean to. I dont know what got over me" she said as she shyly rubbed the back of her head. "Its just that I like you even though we just met like five minutes ago...." she said looking away.

I smiled at her as I cuddled in her arms nuzzling her fondly. She blushed as she wrapped her arms around me while stroking my silver fur.

I purred lovingly as I felt her gentle hand touch my fur. " I love you~" I said kissing her cheek. " And I love you even more~"

Hello! ^^ I hoped you like the chapter. Please don't judge on the love at first sight thing. Thanks for reading ~Mama Eevee (Nichole Moore)

Forever Alone... Until NowOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora