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She smiled at me as she looked at my blushy cheeks until that smile quickly turned. " You know what. Those pokemon who were messing with you and made yourself think you're nothing should get what they deserve. " She said as she gave me a serious look. From that moment on I knew exactly what she was going to do.

"What do you mean? What are you up to?" I asked. "Im about to give them what they deserve." she said marching on twords where they were. "You know you don't have to..."

" Yes, I do! They should learn a lesson!" she said as she walked right up to them. "Hey! Are you the pokemon messing with the bae?!" she yelled pointing to me.

" Haha! Are you kidding me? It looks like the reject has a body guard! Oh no, what shall we do?" one of them smirked. I folded my ears down as they continue to use that name. "Oh, so your going to be like that. I'll show ya body guard!" she said angrily.

" PIIIIIKAAAACHUUUUU!" she began to say as she charged up. All three of them screamed as she used thunderbolt. They ran as fast as they can whimpering away.

"Haha! And that's what they get!" Pikachu laughed. Then she reached out her paw twords me. "Lets go my little Eevee~" she said as I happily took her paw.

We both stroll together through the green forest, heading some where I have never gone. "Pikachu, where exactly are we going?" I asked tilting my head. " Oh, were heading twords my home. I figured you would want to stay in a safe place rather than trying to find a roof under your head."

I smiled as we came twords a little cave. " And this is home. I have some comfortable little beds I made and you can make yourself at home." . I purred as I rolled around in the soft, homemade leaf bed. I have never had a permanent home before or a bed. I don't think I have ever been happy in my entire life. I am so thankful to have someone who cares about me. Hopefully this love will never end.

Forever Alone... Until NowOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora