The Argument

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*Lucy's POV*

After getting home from a rather... interesting case, everyone is on edge. George was stress cleaning, Holly was trying to cheer everyone up, Lockwood was pacing the house trying to find someone to lecture, And I was locked up in my room drawing the ghost that almost ghost-touched me. I took too long sealing the source and while Lockwood was distracted, it came barreling towards me, nearly missing my chest.  I don't know why Lockwood is getting so worked up over it though, it's not like he's the one that almost died after all.

 I hear a rather loud knocking at my door, "Come in" I said.

 Lockwood comes into my room; his ears are red, and he looks incredibly pissed off. "What in the world happened in that case, Lucy?!"

 "Oh, my gosh you're STILL on about that? It wasn't a big deal, Lockwood. I'm fine, your fine, everyone is fine. We got the money and finished the job. I don't see what the huge problem is."

 He laughed "My PROBLEM, Lucy, is that you were almost ghost-touched because you were goofing around during a job with an aggressive type two!"

 " I wasn't GOOFING off, Lockwood, the net slipped, and I had to grab it!"

 "Yeah, well you could have gotten yourself, and the rest of us KILLED, Lucy! I don't know the full story about what happened with your old team, but that can't happen here. You know very well the consequences of being distracted, you witnessed it firsthand."

 " Look, Lockwood, I don't care how pissed you are at me, but never mention my friends," I said with tears in my eyes.

 He took a step towards me, and I flinched, being reminded of the abuse I received from my mum and father. I shove past him and run outside, not caring where I'm going.

*Lockwood's POV* 

Right as I made the stupid comment about her old team, I knew by the look on her face that I screwed up. I took a step towards her to apologize, and she flinched. I know that she must have been reminded of her parent's abuse.

 "Luce, I'm sorr-"

 I started to say but then I was cut off by her shoving past me and legging it outside. The only reason I was so hard on her in the first place was that I'm petrified by the fact of losing her, though now, I might have lost her in a way that doesn't involve death.  

After taking a moment to fully compose myself, I step out of her room and start heading towards mine when George stops me and says "Lockwood what the heck was that?! Did you see how upset she was before she took off?! What did you do?!"

  Not wanting to relive what just happened, I just walked into my room and shut the door.

^Time-Skip provided by my cat knocking down yet another glass of water^

As I was looking out the window, I finally saw her, puffy eyes and frizzy hair, yes, but it was Lucy, so it didn't matter because she is always gorgeous to me. Then I saw something that made my heart drop, Quill Kipps, walking next to her, saying something to her, then HUGGING her. WHAT THE BLOODY HE-

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