Chapter 6

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Knuckles and shadow chaos controlled to Ice Cap Zone to look for the flower. It was obviously cold in this zone with everything covered in either ice or snow making it almost impossible to find anything not ice or compacted snow in different shapes. Knuckles said to Shadow "This is going to be hard to find but we cant give up on sonic.... Not after all hes done for us and this world" Shadow noded to what knuckles said and thought about all the times Sonic helped him.

|| Flashback||

Shadow was at Marble Zone looking at a pickture of his old friend Maria. Maria was his first friend he had back on the ark over 50+ years ago when Sonic arrived and saw shadow speaking up to him in a calm and comforting voice "Hey Shadow.... I want to give you something that I found while on the ark exsploring because i was bored" Shadow turned to Sonic and said "What do you mean Faker?" Before sonic handed him a little book with Maria's hand writing on the front 'Different Chocolate Recipes'. Shadow was shocked Sonic found the old recipe book he used to look through with Maria and he took it and read through it making sure it was real, which it was real. Sonic smiled at shadow as he looked up to look at sonic "H how did you find this?" His voice almost breaking from seeing this recipe book again after many many years before sonic spoke "It was hidden within a secret compartment in her old room" Shadow was grateful for sonic finding his dear friend's old recipe book to the point he hugged sonic and thanked him for finding it

|| End of Flashback||

Back with Mephiles

Mephiles pov:

I've been sitting here for what felt like hours with no sign of sonic coming back. Did he get hurt? Was he captured? Ugh why do I keep thinking of Sonic!?...... Why is he making me feel this way??? "Sonic you better come back." I whispered "I dont want to be alone again...."

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