ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ~•Chapter|One• Fragments of a Love Lost

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I remember each moment with him like it was yesterday.

His cheek against my cheek, his arms holding me close. His warm breath on my ear when he whispered.

"I adore you."

We stood beneath the night sky that dazzled like a thousand diamonds. The sea of lilies laid at our feet reaching up towards the sky. "Do you remember that poem. You're not to be mine, but I love you ...I still love you. My yearning for you is killing me. "

" Why are you doing this Gabriel, I already told you that you could die because of this, because of me."

He took my face in his hands, his lips like a whisper leaves me breathless. "I chose to love you outrageously. Because in this ridiculous world, only you made sense, Avora. So, I would gladly die knowing I had the opportunity to adore you recklessly and unconditionally."

I know a thing or two about forbidden love. 

I fell in love with a human, and I'm an Angel. Yes, an Angel. Don't judge me. It's not like I chose to be this way. Anyway, unlike Romeo and Juliet, we didn't rush into marriage or death. We didn't cause a war between our races. We didn't act like drama queens. We were smart, we were careful, we were mature.

And you know what? We still ended up dead. Because that's the reality of forbidden love. It doesn't matter how much you love someone, or how hard you try to make it work. The world will always find a way to tear you apart. So don't waste your time reading about Romeo and Juliet. They were not heroes, they were fools. And they got what they deserved.

Me on the other hand.

Call it greed, call it selfish. It was my first love, like Romeo and Juliet. The only difference was they got to be together in a tragic end, and they were both human. He was human. Unlike me.

I knew I was breaking the law, but I couldn't help it. I loved him. I loved Gabriel, the human who made me feel something I had never felt before.

The first time I saw him, he was looking for a book about poetry in the library. I was browsing the shelves, trying to learn more about his world and his history. I had always been fascinated by humans, but I had never met one in person.

Until him.

Our eyes met across the books, and something clicked. He had a halo of golden hair and piercing blue eyes that seemed to see through me. They reminded me of the sky, so expressive and all-encompassing revealing his every thought and emotions. Sometimes they were playful and mischievous, sometimes they were serious and intense, and sometimes they were soft and gentle. 

He was beautiful, in a way that was different from me. Those eyes haunted me, until I joined him in an eternal slumber. Nonetheless, it brought me no peace. Because Angels never die.

 When Gabriel died, I asked the council to send me to Lorienem. A place of perpetual rest. Angels are eternal, we are light, and light cannot be extinguished. Light can only be transformed, reshaped or reborn.

I have lost count of how long I have been in Lorienem, but it feels like an eternity.


I drifted in my own sorrows till I could no longer remember his voice, his eyes, his scent. I was made of light, but I felt dim like a candle on its last inch. Just before my light faded preparing my transition of being reborn, I heard a familiar voice.

 It was him. Gabriel. 

He was calling my name, softly, gently, lovingly. I opened my eyes and saw him standing before me, holding a book in his hands. He smiled and said, "Finally, I found you. I've been looking for you. I have so much to tell you come with me."

Angels Never DieOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz