ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ~•Chapter|Six• Lessons in the Fray

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"Heart, mind, energy must become one. During a fight, you are completely in the present, each movement deliberate and every breath essential. One wrong move could be the end of you. Seon stood before the trainees and spoke.

For the past hour, we have been assembled on the training ground while he briefed us on combat.

" "Let's pair up and select a weapon that best fits you."

The trainees all flocked together, resembling a swarm of buzzing bees as they dashed through the clearing. Everyone grabbing either swords or spears, they already knew each other growing up together they had a pecking order and I ... was the taknan.

" "Choose your weapon: sword or spear," Seon appeared in front of me and dropped the two options. They clanged together landing at my feet.

" "Why is choosing necessary? Shouldn't we consider training with all of them instead?" I inquired, my tone carrying a mix of curiosity and a plea. As the sun started to descend, a gentle, golden light spread over the training grounds. A strong tang of iron and sweat permeated the air, accompanied by the distant yet soothing melodies of birds at dusk.

A gentle smile played on Seon's lips as they remained steadfast. His towering stature was matched only by the wisdom in his eyes, while his down to earth personality kept him relatable. The way he responded was soft-spoken, yet determined. " "Focus is the key to achieving mastery," Taknan emphasized. Each road presents its own individual blessings, and it is up to you to determine which one aligns with your heart. By devoting yourself to a singular art, you will cultivate the depth and insight needed for genuine excellence."

My eyes scanned the diverse group of trainees in front of me, all diligently refining their skills in different disciplines, and I couldn't help but feel torn. With their sleek bows and arrows at the ready, the archers stood in flawless alignment. Like a well-choreographed dance, the swordsmen moved fluidly and with gleaming blades. The bladesmen, their hands channeling their energies into their targets.

" "Would it be possible for me to sit this one out and go gather food?" Despite my hopes, he chose to dismiss my request and simply replied with

" "Your body and your weapon are one and the same. Know it, feel it, wield it, control it." Survival in a fight depends on the person's proficiency in handling their weapon. Make your decision now."

" But how do I know which one is the right one for me?" I voiced my attempts to get him to understand my feelings.

" You talk too much, catch."

As the shield hurtled towards me, my eyes widened in surprise as it landed with a thud, nose first into the ground.

" What was that! Are you try- Hey! " Just as I was about to take hold of the hilt, his spear came down with lightning speed. With a quick move, I dodge its impact and fall to the side, narrowly avoiding my hand. " "I'm already regretting coming here," I muttered.

" "Your reflexes are impressive, I didn't expect your feet to be as fast as your mouth." he said, offering me a chance to pull the shield from the ground.

" "Is that your way of complimenting or insulting me?" I asked, rising from the ground.

" "Grab your shield." As he retreated a few paces.

"What am I supposed to do now?" I asked, struggling to keep the shield up. He gestured towards the line of dummies, signaling for me to launch my attack.

" "Listen to your body's instincts."

What does that even mean?

Using both arms, I hoist the shield into the air and muster all my energy to hurl it towards the target with a powerful swing. As I was about to let go, the heaviness dragged me down and I fell face-first onto the ground. A deafening roar of laughter escaped Seon's lips as he bent over and gripped his belly.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08 ⏰

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