ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ~•Chapter|Four• Journey Ahead

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We left the grasslands behind and plunged deeper into the forest. The trees towered over us, creating a green canopy that filtered the sunlight into playful patterns on the ground. I was awestruck by the beauty and diversity of the forest, noticing new plants and animals at every turn. Then I saw it: a cozy cabin, hidden among the bushes. It looked like it was made of vines and flowers, blending in with the natural scenery.

I couldn't help but ask, "Is that where you live? It's so pretty, but it doesn't seem like you." I stared at the cabin, fascinated by its design.

Myigan laughed, amused by my curiosity. He slammed his staff into the ground, making the earth shake. "No, that's a fake. My kuća is up there," he said, pointing up with his staff. I followed his gesture and saw a huge tree with a wooden lift hanging from it. I felt a surge of fear and awe as I realized how high it was.

"Are you kidding me? I just got out of one of those giant trees and you want me to go back up? No way." I said firmly, turning around to head back to the grasslands. But then I heard a horrible shriek, making me shiver. I remembered the man-pigeon and how I barely escaped from it.

Myigan didn't seem bothered by the noise. "Come on, girly. The night brings worse things than Muž Holub," he said. He sounded confident and playful, as if he was enjoying this.

I hesitated, but then I followed him to the lift. I was curious, but also nervous. He gave me a rope and told me to hold on tight. "You think you fell hard before? Wait till you see what happens if you fall from up there," he said, making my eyes widen.

The lift started moving, and we shot up into the air. My heart pounded and my blood rushed. The forest below became a blur as we flew higher and higher, the green canopy stretching out like a vast carpet.

As we rose, the sun cast a warm, golden light over the treetops. The wind caressed my face, and I felt a moment of freedom, as if I could fly.

My fear faded, replaced by excitement and wonder. I remembered what Myigan said - "The night brings worse things than Muž Holub" - and I realized that this world was full of mysteries. But I decided to worry about them later.

I held on to the rope, not out of fear but out of admiration for the beauty around us. Myigan's voice came from the darkness, guiding me through this magical moment.

"Embrace the night, girly. Each star has a story, a story of wonder and mystery. The darkness is not to be feared but to be embraced as part of the natural rhythm of life."

The lift stopped, and we stepped onto a platform high above the forest floor. The world below seemed far away, and I felt a sense of calm. I felt connected to the vastness of nature, to the stars above and the earth below.

As I got off the lift and sat on the porch, I saw a stunning sight. The sun was slowly sinking, spreading a warm, golden glow over the landscape. But what caught my eye more was the moon, rising next to the sun in a graceful dance. They were like cosmic partners, together but apart, each reflecting the other's light.

The sky on both planets had a beautiful peach-orange hue that swirled as if a painter danced with sharp precision.

I sat there, time seemed to stop, letting me enjoy this rare moment of peace. The world around me faded away as I focused on the celestial show above.

A strong hand touched my shoulder, making me jump. I looked up and saw the old man's familiar face, making me relax. He held me still and sat next to me, putting a leaf with salve on my shoulder. I winced, expecting pain, but there was none.

"Don't worry about your shoulder. It's a quick remedy. The leaf has a special mixture on it to numb the pain. Tomorrow, I'll teach you how to make more," he said.

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