ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ~•Chapter|Three• The Terrifying Beauty

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He was surly and stern, but I felt safer with him around. He darted through the woods like a shadow, leaving me behind with every step. I panted as I ran after him, wishing I had his stamina.

"Slow down!" I shouted, hoping he would hear me. How could anyone be so fast? I needed to get in shape, especially if this was going to be a regular thing.

"Keep up, lass. The sun is setting, and that howl you just belted will draw more creatures."

As we passed by a stream, and I halted. I dropped my bag and bent down to drink. His staff whizzed past my head and in an instant pushed me, knocking me on my back. A huge frog-like creature leaped out of the water, its jaws lined with sharp teeth.

I turned pale and froze. I didn't want to provoke it by moving. I had so many questions.

"Get up, " He snapped, dragging me to my feet "Talk later."

I grabbed my bag and followed him, barely keeping up.

Tightening the bag straps again, I took off behind him struggling to keep up.

"But I wa—" I stopped short. He turned his head slightly, still in stride, his eyebrows furrowed, piercing me with frightfully intense, deep-set eyes.

"If you want to be eaten, stay here, but you will not kill me."

His voice was low, but I noticed he had a thick accent. Taking note of his warning, I kept silent and allowed him to lead me through the dense forest.

It felt like we walked for hours before we came to the vast expanse of what I dubbed the grasslands. The field of grass stretched endlessly. Each blade rising tall like a proud house swaying gracefully in the wind. They towered over us as the breeze gently caressed the emerald sea, the grass seemed to dance like rippling verdant waves.

The grasslands seemed to carry an untamed essence and I couldn't help but imagine predators lurking in the tall grass. I turned to check behind me when a hand landed on my head, stopping me in place. I froze, wide eyes scanning for the threat, so I knew where not to run. But I found none.

I open my mouth to scold him for scaring me, but I don't the chance. He moves his hand to his lips, silencing me, pointing straight ahead. For a moment, we stand there. Then I felt it—a strong gust of wind.


It was a distinctive sound, the type a deer would make through their nasal passage.

I heard rustling; everything in me was screaming—run. But I couldn't leave the old man. On a side note, my stupid leg was twitching, so I couldn't run even if I wanted to. Emerging from the tall grass with an aura of majesty and power was a creature akin to a majestic bear, yet so much more.

Rising on its hind legs to a staggering height of about 20 feet, it towered over us, its massive shadow stretching far and wide, enveloping our small bodies in awe. The evening sun bathed its black-brown fur in a long, warm light, illuminating the magnificence of its form.

Its dark, steely eyes held a wisdom beyond its physical existence, resembling the depth and knowing gaze of an ancient soul. Crowning its head were a set of magnificent antlers, outstretched toward the sunlight, as if in an intimate dance with the rays that kissed its majestic form. In that moment, the beast appeared almost regal, as if a king of the wild had graced us with its presence.

The sight of this wondrous creature filled the air with a sense of wonder, and I could not help but feel a deep connection to the untamed beauty of nature. It stood there, a symbol of strength and grace, a living embodiment of the untamed wilderness that surrounded us.

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