How we drifted back to each other

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I'm in a bit of a tough time right now so I kinda need to vent, so I haven't written In here since me and Farhan broke up I just thought there was no need since we were over but some stuff has happened so let me start from that day at the train station. After I got on the train back home, I was crying on the train and I saw Saif I tried to hide my face but he saw me and sat next to me "you okay?" I wiped my eyes "yeah I'm fine why?" He took off his jacket and put it around me "Aisha you know you can talk to me I'm your friend." "Well me and Farhan broke up."

 He didn't say anything he just hugged me. When we got to the train station Saif took me home and he came inside for a little bit and we talked about what happened "well I kinda told him that we needed to end things because I was gonna hold him back." He looks at me "but you didn't mean that did you?" I got up from my bed "Saif I had to if my mum found out I would be dead, you know how my mum is plus say she did find out he would ignore me and find someone else, I'm replaceable." "Aisha your not replaceable it's just you don't want him hurt right?" "Yes I would never want to hurt him he's important to me." We sat and talked some more and then as Saif was leaving he said "if you ever need anything or want a break from anyone I'm here okay?" "Don't worry I'll be fine." 

He said bye and left I went to school the next week and Farhan was nowhere to be seen I asked everyone and no one knew where he was, I tried calling his phone and his sisters I had been blocked. The rest of the week I was stressed cause both of them weren't in school so on Friday I met up with Saif "so how's the week been."  I felt like this was the right thing to do so I said it "let's run away." Saif turned to look at me face "your being serious?" "Yes why not we can get jobs and have our own place to stay and we won't have to worry about anything cause no one knows us." "Aisha are you sure?" I stood up with my bag "Saif if your not gonna go with my I'll go myself." He got up "okay fine I'll come with you." We both went home quickly and got some stuff I brought most of my stuff and so did Saif and we headed to the train station, Saif had a thousand pound in an envelope and gave some of the money for the train ticket

 "where did you get all that." He puts it the envelope in his pocket "well I was saving just incase something Important happened." We got on the train and headed to Bradford and didn't look back. We had a first good couple of weeks but people kept calling us and calling us so we had to block numbers eventually Back at home Farhan finally came back to school and he was asking around where I was this time and no one knew, except from Juliet "hey, Juliet." She sighed "what do you want Farhan." "Have you seen Aisha no one has seen her or spoken to her in weeks." "Shit you don't know."

 He started to look concerned "what do you mean." "You see Farhan, Aisha hasn't spoken to me but I know she ran away because we have that connection that no one has clearly cause everyone thinks she's dead and before you ask me where or when I have no idea." Juliet walked off and he stood there in the corridor stunned "shit." He went down to the toilets and he walked in circles till Oro walked in "what are you doing Farhan?" He sat on the side of the sink "Aisha ran away and she blocked everyone so I can't speak to her and apparently no one else has seen Saif which means she left with him."

 Oro smirked and laughed "well that's funny." Farhan jumped up "what's funny?" "Well Farhan she's been texting me since the day she left to check up on you and how your doing." He leaned against the wall "this is all my fault." "Why Farhan go on tell me." They both walk out of the toilets as Farhan says "well when we went to London she was acting uneasy she had a nightmare again." Oro stopped in his tracks "she still has nightmares, she told me that they stopped." "Oro they never stop and she kept saying she didn't wanna hold me back." Oro walked towards his class "Farhan don't worry it will all work out in the end trust me." And Oro walked into his class leaving Farhan walking around in circles till he decided to go home three hours early. When he got home he took his old phone and he called me "hello?" He smiled when he heard my voice "Aisha." "Who's is this." He sat down and so did I "what has it been that long you don't recognize your boyfriends voice." I looked around "Farhan? I..." "come home please, I miss you Aisha we all do." Before I end the call I say "bye Farhan." He slammed the phone on the floor "fuck." Back to me and Saif in out flat, "sooo how was your day Aisha?" "Ehm it was okay how was yours at work." He sat down and took his shoes off "well we had the crazy woman who had a whole seizure because she mistakenly froze her card and she cause a whole scene in the bank, I was dying in the corner." Saif stands up and I follow him "Saif I really like you, you know that right." And he turned around "yes I know that." He looks into my eyes and I say "well you gonna do something about that." He smirks "well you asked for it." He lifts up my chin and gives me a kiss...

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