The proposal

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Me and Saif were lying down in bed and he said "well that was fun." I agreed and went to sleep. See the thing is I missed Farhan so much but I couldn't call him, I couldn't hurt him like that and we needed our own life's not having arguments all the time and it wasn't good for either of us, 

anyways me and Saif woke up early to go out and go shopping for later we were going out to dinner. I got this amazing blue dress and he got a shirt and some jeans, then we went home and we got ready to leave. "so your ready to go." He says as he puts his arms around my waist. "Yep I'm ready to go." I grab my bag and we go we get to the restaurant and then get some food to eat before we get ready to leave Saif says "can I ask you something?" "Yes Saif." He grabs something out of his pocket and it's a box. I open the box and there's a ring inside "Saif wow it's so pretty." He clears his throat and says

 "will you marry me?" I was shocked "Saif were eighteen and..." "Aisha I know but I really love you, I do and I feel like if I don't do it now then I won't ever. "Okay Yes yes." He smiled and we both stood up to hug each other and he smiled and spun me around. Ten years later me and Saif were married and we had a baby named Maya and she was so cute and tiny and we loved her so much. Today was the sixteenth of February and Maya was Turning three years old and we were having a little party just the three of us I went out to get her chocolate cake at the shop in town and she was with me helping me choose and she saw a chocolate Disney cakes "mum can I get this one?" She says excitedly "yes yes which one do you want." She looked curiously "I want the jasmine and Aladdin one." I picked it up and I headed to the checkout when I was leaving I saw someone I recognized it was Anaya, Farhan's sister "hi Aisha." I was shocked to see her in Bradford because she never leaves home especially without Farhan.

 "What are you doing here Anaya." She looked around and she smiled "I'm here with Farhan we got bored at home so we came for a little road trip." I was about to say something until Maya said "mum who is that?" "She's your aunt say hi." Maya was being shy "aw she's so cute what's her name?" She looked at me and I said "go on tell her." Anaya crouched down and said don't worry me and your mum are friends. Go on tell me." "My names Maya." Anaya got back up "Aisha? is Farhan her..." I didn't know what to say "no he's not, Saif's her dad." Before she can reply I get a phone call and it's Saif "shit I have to go it's her birthday, I'll text you Anaya bye." She waved bye and I got in the car and went home. I got in the house and Saif had set up Maya's small party. I opened the cake and put it on the table next to all twenty of maya's  presents "happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Maya, happy birthday to you." 

She blows out her candles as we said hip hip hooray. Maya opened all of her presents and she was so hyper she fell asleep in Saif's arms, Saif took her up to bed and I got a text from Anaya, "hey so you wanna explain what's going on?" "Nothing I just moved here with Saif, we're married and we have Maya that's it." She opened the text then said "what about Farhan?" I thought you two were..." I stopped her when I said "no we weren't I haven't spoken to him in ages and it's been ten years." She started typing then stopped then said something I didn't exactly expect "Aisha it's me, Farhan." I started typing then I heard Saif coming down the stairs so I put my phone off "do you want something to eat I'm ordering food?" He could tell I was up to something "gimme your phone so I can order." I looked at him and gave him my phone to not act suspicious, he started going through my phone and I jus ignored him then he stopped and started ordering pizza.

 When the pizza came Saif recognized the delivery guy it was Farhan "Farhan my boy what you doing out at this time delivery pizzas?" He laughed "it's my cousins job I'm helping him while I'm here because he can't be bothered." Saif invited him in and Farhan told his cousin Irfan to go home. He sat down and shook my hand then they started talking about work and I got bored so I went upstairs to my room to get a jumper when I walked up I heard Saif say "the bathrooms the first door on the right." And I heard footsteps and he walked into the room and hugged me from behind 

"wear the blue one it reminds me of us, in high school if I remember distinctly." I turned around in his arms "Farhan we can't I'm married now it's too late, I have a daughter to think about." He smirks "not really cause you didn't invite me and I didn't see it so it didn't happen and I can look after her." I walk in maya's room and he follows me and sees Maya sleeping "you really wanna take her from her dad?" I turn around and he looks in my eyes "come on baby I miss you, you ran away from me for no reason." "Farhan no, we're not doing this." I say as I walk down the stairs....

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