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The blond man crooked his head to the side, 'uh? Uhm yeah, I can see you fine?'

You felt a knot form in your throat and your breath became raspy, 'but, I-I don't unders- how can you..?' You stopped yourself, knowing that if you spoke any more you would lose what little composure you had left.

'I'm not sure I understand, is something wrong? Did I do something bad?' asked the stranger with confusion painted on his face.

You took a couple of shaky breaths with closed eyes to ground yourself. When you felt like you could speak again without risking breaking down, you looked back up at the young man giving you a concerned puppy-like expression.

'Something is wrong, yes', you explained blandly, 'you're not supposed to see me or hear me or anything!'

'What? Is that some weird small-town punishment or something? Isn't ignoring you really mean?' he asked, outrage clear in his voice.

You sighed and shook your head. 'No, no it's-', you stopped mid sentence rubbing your forehead, trying to release some of the tension building, 'What's your name?'

The man gave a couple worried looks around before inching closer, 'Vash, I'm Vash, but I'd rather we keep it between us, I'm not super popular sadly', he whispered with an awkward laugh before returning to his original position.

'Oh!' you exclaimed, slamming a hand inside the palm of your other hand, 'Vash, as in Vash the Stampede right?' you asked wide eyed, feeling proud that you remembered the name from the radio ramblings every now and then.

Before you could ask the man anymore questions, his face was inches away from yours, urging you to shush, a finger on his lips and a highly worried expression on his features while eyes were darting around.

'Pleaaasse! please keep it on the down low! I just got here!' he pleaded in a low whisper with puppy eyes behind his orange tinted glasses that were almost falling off the tip of his nose in his antics.

You stifled a giggle at seeing a grown man and not just any man at that, an infamous globally wanted criminal, plead to a little nobody like you for your good graces. Was this man serious or was this a façade?

'Alright, alrigh', you acquiesced so that the strange man would stop torturing you with those innocent blue eyes. 'But no, it's not some bizarre practice, I wish it was...' you explained more, 'people literally can't tell I'm there, ever'.

The man you now knew as Vash the Stampede hummed and gave a small nod, but you could tell from his expression he wasn't following-or believing you. You sighed, rubbing your temple when an idea struck you.

You jumped off your chair, 'don't make a scene, ok? It's just gonna make it awkward for you if you do', you warned Vash as he gave you a completely lost look while you turned around to face the saloon.

Putting your hands around your mouth to better direct the sound, you took a deep breath and screamed at the top of your lungs, ' It's VASH, VASH THE STAMPEDE! He's right here! Come arrest VASH THE STAMPEDE!'

You turned around just in time to catch said Vash rush you, panic on his face. 'What are you doing?!' he shouted reaching for you, but you took a step back waiting for the blond criminal to catch on.

'Vash, look' you told him waving a hand to show the silent saloon staring back at him with bewildered looks, not sparing you a glace.

'Are you ok, sir?' asked the barman calmly in a polite tone, but his hand reaching for under the counter, 'anything wrong?'

'Uh?' Vash turned around a couple of times, not sure whether to give his confused look to the bartender or to you. Finally, he seemed to snap out of his shock when a laugh came from the back saloon.

'Go easy on the alcohol buddy! Maybe it's time for bedtime for a youngster like ya!' hollered someone and the whole place bursted laughing.

'Now, now', you said stifling a giggle yourself as you walked back to Vash, 'told ya not to make a scene, didn't I now?'. The man just stood there, completely stooped it seemed.

'Come on, come sit down,' you signaled to him by going back to your seat yourself. 'You're gathering more attention the more you stand there, Vash'. You caught yourself smiling as you gestured to the lost pup, this whole thing actually bringing your moral back up.

He finally joined you, but you caught yourself feeling a bit guilty at the whole gag now seeing the tired pensive look on the man sitting next of you.

'Do you get it now?' you simply asked, sitting back to face the counter,

'Ah, I think I do, yeah...' answered softly Vash, still quite out of it. It was his turn to rub his forehead.

You gave him a minute to wrap his mind around the concept of your unusual existence. You couldn't blame the man for being taken aback, it took years for you to come to terms with your own existence and what it meant.

When he finally moved, it was to reach for his drink and chug almost all of it. You watched him, not saying anything. You stared at his Adam's apple move up and down with each gulp.

'Ah,' he exhaled loudly. You couldn't help notice a beauty mark next to his left eye. For a criminal, he definitely was a good looking one, you thought absent mindedly.

You two stood in silence for a while longer. You assumed he needed more time to digest the weird news, but you surprised yourself staying so silent. You had often fantasized about finally being perceived, and how you would talk to people until you voice went hoarse. However now, now that you finally had that opportunity you couldn't seem to find anything to say. Simply being looked at, making eye contact with another being seemed almost too much at the moment.

You noticed Vash had finished his drink, so you gestured to yours that was still untouched.

'Not gonna drink?' he asked, quirking an eyebrow at you.

You shook your head, 'No thanks, sadly-,' you lifted you hand and made a show of phasing your fingers through the glass, '-I can't really'. You gave a sad smile to him as his eyes widened once more.

'Listen, it's getting late no? How 'bout this,' you offered with a gentle more genuine smile, lifting a finger up for emphasis, 'if you can still see me and hear me tomorrow morning, I promise to explain all I know to you, k?'

"Ghost" Trigun x readerWhere stories live. Discover now