Rule One

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Vash gave a small pout, 'aw, come on! I'm not a criminal, I'm more of a hunter of peace, looking for the elusive mayfly known as love', he clarified giving you an overdramatic charming look.

You snorted behind your hand at his antics. 'Oh, please excuse my mistake great hunter of peace! You just look so much like that infamous but very handsome Vash the Stampede, this simple-minded girl got confused!' you joked back at him.

Vash seemed a bit surprised at your teasing, his blue eyes widening a bit before he gave you a thousand-dollar smile. However, he couldn't help giving a look behind you as if worried that someone might have heard his name again.

'Do you mind?' you asked, gesturing at the empty seat in front of him.

'Absolutely not! I'm always free to spend time with a pretty lady,' he winked.

Your smile, however, quickly turned into a pensive pursed lips as you stood next to the chair that was fully pushed in its place under the table. Vash titled his head, seeing your hesitation.

'First ghost lesson!' you exclaimed, raising a finger. 'Ghost can't interact with the world, so I'mma need some help with that chair,' you explained in a light tone.

Seeming to realize his mistake, Vash quickly jumped to his feet and joined your side in barely two strides.

'Please forgive me, my lady,' he apologized with a grave expression. 'It seems I've lost my manners,' he continued, slightly bowing down while pulling the chair and offering you a seat.

You blinked in surprise, feeling your face heat up a little as you took your place under the warm smile of Vash. You weren't one to feel embarrassed, but such treatment was brand new to you and you caught yourself glancing over your shoulder wondering if people had noticed. And they had, in fact, noticed and were giving Vash quick looks and whispered to each other.

You sighed, turning back to face your new bizarre friend. 'Thank you, but you gotta stop doing that. First rule of ghost club: don't make a scene!' you emphasised the last words by tapping a finger on the table.

Vash opened his mouth, but you didn't give him a chance to speak, 'And! If we are gonna keep talking in public like this without you getting locked up in an asylum somewhere, you gotta start whispering. Don't make a scene!'

After closing his mouth, the blond man held his hand to his chin and slightly nodded with eyes close. You relaxed in your seat, reassured the young man had finally understood.

After a moment, Vash decided to break the silence, 'how does that work then, can you walk through walls? Can you not push a swinging chair in a creepy abandoned room?' he asked, barely loud enough for only you to hear it.

You smiled, feeling proud as if you had thought a puppy a new trick.

Crossing your arms over the table and leaning in you started explaining your particular situation to Vash. He listened closely as you described how you could phase through things and people, but that made you sick; the more invasive the phasing, the worst the queasiness and sensation of being ill. You followed by explaining that you could, yes, sometimes interact with some objects, but it required quite the effort in concentration even for the smallest objects. As he was finishing his breakfast Vash's attention was fully on you, enthralled by what you were telling him.

Your heart rate was up and you could feel a warm flush over your cheeks as you spoke. Whether it was because you had this man's full attention on you, the constant intense gaze of his clear blue eyes, the feeling that in that moment you were the most fascinating thing in the world for him, or if it was the simple feeling of finally being perceived and exchanging with another being; you didn't know which one was causing your body to react that way and you couldn't bring yourself to care.

'What's your name by the way? I believe I didn't quite catch last night,' Vash asked, bringing you back.

'Oh, I'm-' you frowned. 'My name is- my name is...' you strained you brain for a moment, before realization washed over you. 'I- I don't remember,' you admitted with a guilt laced voice, refusing to meet the gaze of the man in front of you.

'How long have you been living this way?' Vash whispered, his concern for you obvious.

'Uhm, that's the thing,' you confessed as you looked back up, 'I know it's been at least 24 years- I remember the tailor next door giving birth to her first child and they recently celebrated their 24th birthday. But anything further than that is very fuzzy. I remember almost nothing from back then.'

'Wait, how old are you?'

'I'm not sure, I remember always being like this,' you gestured to yourself. 'Honestly who knows if I was ever born as a normal baby or as a ghost baby!' you half-assedly joked, hoping to lighten the mood.

Your efforts didn't quite seem to work, as the blond man gave you a sad look while forcing a smile. You looked away, embarrassed and not sure how to change to subject of the conversation. It was in that moment of silence that you noticed that awful song playing on the radio.

'Again? You gotta be kiddin' me!' you whined and rested your forehead on the table in between your arms. 'They have been playing that goodman wicked song non-stop all month! Have mercy please!'

You heard a muffled laugh across the table. Turning your head, you catch Vash resting his chin on his hand, looking at you with a mischievous smile, 'I actually really like that one. Should I go turn up the volume?'

You groaned loudly, returning to face the table and gripping your hair with both hands. 'I'm officially in hell, they gave me my own devil to personally torture me!' you cried out.

'I mean, I have been told I am devilishly good looking,' replied the blond man in a seductive tone.

You snorted but refused to look up, knowing you probably were quite a few shades redder than usual. You prepared to resume the banter; however, you got distracted by the radio suddenly going quiet.

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