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The next morning came by too fast and you where still yawning by the time the two suns where high in the sky. You lazily went around the room, picking the remaining feathers that were still laying around from last night. It was strange, you pondered, no matter how hard you had looked you couldn't find any tears in the pillows where they could have escaped from. Vash had been of no help, simply dismissing the question when you had asked him.

Still, you couldn't leave them like this, so you busied yourself with collecting them as you waited for Vash to come back. He had left almost twenty minutes ago to get breakfast at the usual bakery next door. When you had raised an eyebrow at him earlier when he was about to leave, he explained that Wolfwood was notorious for skipping breakfast and getting grumpy afterwards. You huffed as he departed; the two men seemed much closer than you had first thought at a glance.

Eventually, there was a knock at the door and you rushed to opened it.

'Good! Took you forever! How's the old man-oh.'

You stopped yourself mid sentence when you realized that it was in fact not the blond outlaw at the door, but the man known as Wolfwood you had met the night before.

'Fucking creepy, you know that?' he finally said, eyes darting around behind his black squared sunglasses in a futile attempt to spot you.

You scoffed at his remark. You knocked on the door in repeating taps starting from his side and getting closer to yours. The man jumped at first, but quickly seemed to understand.

'Guessing that means I can come in. Just get out of the way Ghosty, you don't wanna walk into me again, do you now?' he added with a huff and a smile.

'You walked into me,' you corrected with an eye-roll, but stepped out of the way nonetheless.

'I'm closing the door, then I'mma be walking to that chair over there, ok?'

You titled you head in confusion as to why he was narrating his moves, but as you observed him take slow and careful steps all the way to the table it hit you: he was warning you so you had time to avoid him phasing through you.

Under that light, the tall muscular man was almost endearing and you smiled as you watched him finally reached the table and set his giant cross against the wall before taking a seat.

You walked over to him as you saw him search his pockets and you wondered what he could be searching for since his pack of cigarettes and lighter were already on the table.

'Ah, there,' the man stated with satisfaction, half-slamming a couple of wrinkled pieces of paper and a worn-down pen on the table. You rushed to his side, anticipation fuelling you when you saw the items.

'I don't know if this is going to work, but it's worth a shot. Here, try writing something.'

He pushed the papers and pen towards the corner of the table, and you shuffled to place yourself directly in front. You hadn't tried writing anything in over a decade, last time you couldn't hold the pen for more than a letter or two before you phased through. But now! Now you should be able to do this, right?

With a slightly trembling hand, you grabbed the pen and hurried to scribble down the first thing that popped into your head.

I'm Luck

You dropped the pen, hoping to save energy to write more later. Your calligraphy was horrible, similar to that of a toddler, but it was readable and that was all that mattered. You had a big grin on your face.

The priest angled his head to better see the paper.

'Well, Luck, nice to meet you, I'm Wolfwood,' said the man with a small smile. 'Mind if I ask you some questions to get to know you? Feel like we got off on the wrong foot.'

"Ghost" Trigun x readerWhere stories live. Discover now