Aim and Miss

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'Luck? Hey, Luck, are you ok?'

You groaned at the voice stirring you from your sleep. Your body hurt, you felt absolutely exhausted and a headache was already ringing in your temples.

'What are you doing sleeping here?'

'Ugrrh...' you simply grunted as you frowned at the light assaulting your eyes as you slightly opened them. After a couple more seconds and a couple more attempts you finally had them open enough to recognize Vash still in his pajamas and with bed hair kneeling down and looking at you with concern.

'What...?' you managed to ask in a croaky voice as you lifted your head while massaging it.

'What are you doing sleeping at the table?'

'Oh...,' you looked at the table and back the blond man kneeling at your feet, giving you large puppy-eyes filled with worry. 'I had a nightmare, I think...' you said, avoiding his eyes, suddenly feeling guilty and awkward as last night kiss came to your mind.

'And what happened to your lip?' Vash added, reaching a hand to grasp your chin to examine it closer. You jumped slightly back, cheeks flushing at tingling sensation he sparked, but also because of the way your stomach churned as a vision of the other blond man gripping you in a similar fashion flashed in your mind. Vash quickly retreated his hand, but with a hesitation in his movement before clenching it into a fish on his thigh.

'Did- did I do that to you last night?' you heard him ask in a low strained voice laced with guilt.

'What?' you darted your eyes to look back at him. You licked your lower lip to feel for what might be wrong and winced when your tongue got to the upper left side; it was definitely split open. 'No! No! It wasn't your fault!' you tried to reassure Vash lifting your hands to emphasize your statement. 'I must have bit it during my nightmare, it's nothing! It's barely cracked, it's nothing ok?' However, you knew that was a lie. You had probably chewed it open when overthinking late into the night.

You angled yourself forward, putting your hands on the man's shoulders enjoying the heat rising through your limbs from the contact. When Vash finally made eye-contact with you again you gave him as big as a smile as you could with your wounded lip. He gave you a small uncertain smile back, clearly not convinced.

'And anyway, do you really think you have such an effect on women? That they would bite their lip open at the thought of you?' you joked, crooking your head to the side, hoping to derail the conversation and lighten the mood.

The man's blue eye widened at your tease. But, soon enough, his playful nature took over and he grabbed one of your hands with his right one, sending delicious prickles from the contact of his fully ungloved hand.

'Well, I wished I had that effect on at least one Lady,' he said in a gentle tone as he softly placed a kiss on the back of your hand while keeping your gaze.

You felt your face become undeniably red and yet, you did not want to tear yourself away from Vash' contact and stare. Both heat and sparks cursed through your body as a pressure started building in your lower abdomen. However, you didn't want to repeat last night mistake and grudgingly withdrew your hand before you lost control of your impulses again.

'Alright, let's get ready for the day, Casanova,' you broke off with a small sad smile as you stood up and stretched a bit.

As you walked away to retrieve your clothes from the corner of the bed, you missed the regretful expression Vash wore for a moment before he jumped up to follow you.


The couple following days slowly but surely built a small routine for Vash and you to follow. It wasn't a strange or unusual thing for you, seeing as you had had your own little schedule for several years back in your hometown, however you had found it quite interesting to discover that your blond companion was a big fan of predictability and everyday life. And so, each morning started with his regular workout in which you had started accompanying him in. Afterall, it was better that to stand there and stare at him while impure thoughts ran through your mind, but it was also a good opportunity to get yourself back in a better shape for whenever another trek across the desert would inevitably happen. It would also be one reason less to be left behind, you thought as the creeping fear reached your consciousness for a second before you chased it away.

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