37-i hate this

108 2 9

Hey so quick rant thingy...
(trigger warning for mentions of zoophillia)

One theory that I absolutely hate, is that Dexter is a zoophile, yes, Dexter does kill animals, and yes, he does get a kick out of killing them, but there's literally nothing in the series suggesting that he's a zoophile...

He kills animals to satisfy his needs, it's not ever implied ONCE that it's sexual satisfaction...just murderous satisfaction...

It's perfectly fine to have headcanons and theories, but it's honestly kinda gross to assume that a character is a zoophile without any evidence...

Maybe I just like Dexter too much, but I hate when people have this theory...

just some random spooky month ramblingsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang