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(lmao this is the 69th chapter of this thing, so here's some Ratmeat smut, cause I WILL die for this ship)

(Idea was suggested by Catmug23465)

(⚠️TW⚠️ this'll contain: smut, plushophilia, hate sex, Dexter being bbg, vaginal fingering...i guess? A little OOC, some minor macrophilia and microphilia)

Most people tended to find Dexter...annoying

Bob was no different, obviously, he hated the little shit, but if anything, Bob generally found Dexter...entertaining, so much anger for such a small vessel, but considering how he was trapped in a doll for a year, probably longer, well...Bob would probably be a little antsy too...

...but there was one thing Bob liked about this doll...

"...why the fuck are you hard?", Dexter asked, as he noticed Bob's obvious boner, Bob looked down at the doll, flashing his trademark smile, with some slightly out of place blush, the smile tended to be the last things his victims saw, before they became food.

"Ya know...I just love dolls", Bob said, in his titular southern accent, as he explained all the things he loved about dolls, "they're soft, flexible, easy to clean...", Bob proceeded to list a couple more reasons, but Dexter...honestly, wasn't paying attention...

He was starting to realize that Bob didn't love dolls in the...traditional sense of the word...

Dexter's suspicions were confirmed, when Bob pinned him to the floor, Bob was much taller and bigger than Dexter, so it wasn't like he could attempt to get free, so all he could do was just kick his small legs.

Saliva dripped out of Bob's mouth, as he looked down at the tiny doll, as he thought about all the things he was gonna do to him, surely, it'd be no different from using a fleshlight, the only difference would be that fleshlights typically don't insult and yell at people, plus, Dexter's soul would just transfer to another happy fella doll if the current doll he was possessing got destroyed, so Bob had nothing to worry about...

"WH-WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!?", Dexter yelled, kicking his legs more violently, but not really making an effort to get away, "oh, I was just thinkin, you've been in that there doll for a while now~", Bob said, palming at his erection.

"You must have some...pent up aggression~".

Bob proceeded to unbuckle his jeans, and pull out his cock, Dexter's eyes widened when he saw his cock, as much as Dexter hated to admit it, Bob definitely had a point, it was kinda difficult to relieve sexual frustration as a doll, and part of him would definitely want to be fucked right now, but he would never want Bob to know that...

"Th-this has to be some kinda sick joke! I'm not a sex doll idiot!", Dexter shouted, his face turning red in a mix of anger and embarrassment, "a-and even if I was, that won't fit!", He continued, looking at Bob's cock, Bob cocked his head a little, still smiling, "please, you'll be fine, it's not like i'll kill ya~", he teased, looking down at Dexter.

Dexter knew he couldn't convince Bob otherwise, when Bob wanted something, whether it'd be a victim, or something else, he wouldn't give up till he got it, so it wasn't like Dexter could fight back.

just some random spooky month ramblingsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt