Why Is Tigress Acting Weird?

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After the incident that took place just hours ago, Po hurriedly walked over to the Hall of Heroes to find Shifu meditating on Oogway's staff.

"Hey, Shifu." Po greeted before stepping closer to the red panda.
The red panda couldn't help but notice the panda's frequent breathing.
Shifu opened his eyes and turned around to see the Dragon Warrior sitting on the floor beneath.
"Hello, Dragon Warrior. How can I help you? You sound out of breath. Are you okay?" Shifu asked.

"Well, uhm, Yeah..." Po mumbled and tapped his small claws against the floor.
"Ah, I see, it's about Tigress, am I right?"
Po nodded "Yeah."

"So what happened?" Shifu asked.
"Well you see..." Po started...


Po had just seen Tigress being lifted into the infirmary, with Viper and Shifu following closely after.

Po's shift gazed back though as someone landed right behind him.
Crane. "Hey Crane." Po greeted. "Did you get the guy?" Po asked.
"Yes, we brought him to Chorh-Ghom prison. We tried to squeeze an answer out of him but he refused to talk. It was a wolf.
"One of Lord Shen's men?" Po asked, suddenly wearing a worried expression.
"No no, just a random wolf bandit, no big deal. We have no idea how he got up here though." Crane replied.

"So, is Tigress fine?" Crane asked.
"I don't know actually, I will go look in a moment after I've finished making supper. Po replied and slowly began his trek to the barracks.
"Well, I'll see you later, Crane!"
"See ya!"

Po began his trek from the courtyard to the barracks. He found himself lost in his thoughts. What if there was some sort of poison in the arrow? Will she, die? How is she feeling? Were just 3 of Po's thoughts. He kept on thinking until he bumped into the door, leading into the barracks.
"Oops" he let out and carefully opened the door.

He stepped inside and walked along the corridor, eventually getting into the kitchen.
He brought out some pans and ingredients and started preparing.
He poured ingredients into a bowl and stirred it, finding himself lost in his thoughts.
After a while, he finished the procedure and poured the newly-made noodle soup into some smaller bowls. Night was almost beginning to fall so Po quickly slurped his soup up in silence and headed out of the kitchen and down to the infirmary.

Po ran through the master's garden to the mighty palace itself, and down to the infirmary.
Seemingly noone else was there.
"Uhh" The Panda let out. "Hello, Ti? You there?" he asked.
Po silenced himself and let his ears listen through the area. That's when they picked up the sounds of something, unsheathing itself.
Po opened a door to the left and there he found, you guessed it - Tigress. Although she was not quite herself. Her eyes were teared into tiny slits, which they VERY RARELY do.
"Uhm, Tigress, you okay there? You need something?" Po asked, which got him no answer at all, only her unsheathing her claws over and over, giving Po the death stare.

"Oookay Tigress, you're actually kinda, I mean, reeeally freaking me out right now, so I'm gonna.. go..." Po said and awkwardly tiptoed out of the room.
"Okay, I don't wanna be down here if she goes crazy or something, better report this to Shifu."

*End of flashback*

"And that's why I came to you." Po finished explaining and took in the sight of the moon pool before them.

"Are you sure you saw her eyes being teared into "slits" as you claim them to be?" Shifu asked, staring down the panda.
"I am certain." Po answered and looked the red panda dead in the eyes.
"Well, if what you are saying is correct, we should go investigate, cautiously, though. We shall under any circumstances not enragen her." Shifu explained and stood up, taking hold of his staff.
"Hey, is it possible she could act, you know, differently since she was shot by that arrow?" Po asked, twiddling his fingers.
"It is possible, although we should not jump to any conclusions just yet."

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