A Normal Week?

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Po woke up hastily. The sun had not yet risen. He had just experienced his first nightmares where one of his friends somehow was the villain of the dream, that being Master Tigress.
Po was hyperventilating. He reflected back on the nightmare.


Po was just leaving the barracks during the evening to go meditate at the Dragon Grotto. Upon arriving there he carefully stood by the calm waters. He was alone. Or so he thought. Next thing he knew, Tigress pounced on him which startled him real bad. Po was rolling towards the edge of the cliff, until he fell off.
Luckily, he found a little spot on the cliff which he took hold of. This was going to be his way up. But upon looking up he found Tigress, menacingly growling at him with the length of her entire claws pointed at him. This startled the panda so much that he lost his grip and eventually fell to his doom. That's when it hit him, he woke up.

*Back to Reality*

Po eventually steadied his breathing, allowing himself to breathe calmer.
After regaining full control, he sighed and rose up. He quietly headed out of his room. Careful not to alert the sleeping Master Tigress opposite of his room. You see, after 3 long days, Tigress finally got to move around the palace grounds again. One thing remained the same though, her new personality had not really left her just yet. And this was bothering The Five, Shifu and Po, alot. Mostly Po, he's the one who's had to take care of her every day since neither of the other masters was willing to, perhaps Shifu then, but he's always so busy with his meditation and inner-peace training.

Po carefully tiptoed out of the hall, but upon stepping on the last plank, it creaked. Po stood still, listening through the building for any potential sound. He soon found himself relieved after not hearing any. He went down the stairs quietly and he went outside the barracks. He was going to the peach tree. The one place where Po felt relieved, safe, and guarded by the soul of the late Grandmaster Oogway. He was going through his inner peace stance at the tree, trying not to think of the night terror he had experienced earlier. He inhaled slowly. Upon exhaling, a droplet fell from one of the petals. It dove straight down onto Po's arm. Po guided it gently around his body until he at last brought it down to a little plant growing by the tree. Po opened his eyes. He heard rustling. He quickly looked around to find the source of the sound. But nothing was found. He carefully but cautiously walked his way back to the barracks, readying himself for any potential ambushes.

He opened the door to the barracks, walked up the stairs, passed by his friends rooms, eventually reaching his own at the end of the hall to the left. Right across Tigress'.

The gong was very soon going to wake up the masters, except Tigress since she very often wakes up before it. All of the other masters wake up during the gong. If anything, it's kinda weird Po's the first to wake up actually, now that he thought about it. But this morning's been a little weird so it's not actually that huge of a matter.

Po eventually sat down on his bed and started to rest. It didn't take long though before the gong woke them up. Po rose up and slowly walked to the door. Upon opening it he soon found himself being stared at by his friends. "Morning Po, have you slept well?" Monkey asked. *Yawn* "Yeah, what about you?" Po asked. "I've slept well." The simian answered.

Po looked over at Tigress, who seemed to be acting perfectly fine. Tigress noticed his glare and immediately looked back at the panda. Po quickly turned his gaze over to Master Shifu who was ascending the stairs up to the hall, as to not alert Tigress any more.

"Good morning my students." Shifu started. "Today seems to be a normal day. I expect to see you at the courtyard very soon, after you've eaten breakfast, that is." Shifu turned around and walked down the stairs. The masters followed him a little bit through the building until they eventually parted at the first floor, where Shifu walked outside and Po + The Five walked to the kitchen.

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