𝟎𝟎𝟑; ᴄᴜʀsᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ᴘʀᴀʏᴇʀ

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THE DARKLING, was in his office, surrounded by the trappings of power and wealth that came with his position.

He had been deep in thought, his mind focused on the endless possibilities that his control over the Shadow Fold could bring him.

Suddenly, he was jolted out of his reverie by the sound of fluttering wings. He turned to see a black bird flying in through the open window, a letter attached to its leg. The Darkling didn't recognize the breed of the bird, but he sensed that something was amiss.

He approached the bird slowly, his hand outstretched. As he took the letter, he felt a strange sensation wash over him. The bird turned into smoke and disappeared, leaving him momentarily stunned.

He shook his head, trying to clear the fog from his mind, and turned his attention to the letter. It was beautifully written, the words flowing across the page like a river.

"The volcra are such fascinating creatures, I wonder what else you've made." He had read aloud, his voice low and thoughtful.

The Darkling felt a chill run down his spine. He knew without a doubt that this letter was from one of the mysterious figures that had emerged from the Shadow Fold unscathed. These beings were like him, wielders of power that most mortals could only dream of. But they were also something more, something that he couldn't quite put his finger on.

He felt a surge of excitement mixed with fear. The fact that these figures knew about the Shadow Fold, that they knew that he had created it, was both thrilling and terrifying.

As he read the letter again, the Darkling's mind raced with questions. Who were these beings, and what did they want from him? He had always thought that he was the most powerful being in the world, but now he wasn't so sure.

"Who are you?" He murmured, his voice low and dangerous. "What do you want from me?"

The Darkling studied the letter for a few moments more, his mind racing with questions. Who were these mysterious figures, and how did they know about his involvement with the Shadow Fold?

He was lost in thought when a Grisha burst into the room, her eyes wide with panic. "Your Grace, we have received reports of strange activity in the city." She exclaimed, her voice trembling.

The Darkling turned to her, his expression unreadable. "What kind of activity?" He asked, his voice calm.

"Reports of sightings of two figures, both with strange powers." They replied, her eyes darting nervously around the room.

The Darkling's heart skipped a beat. Could these be the same figures who had sent him the letter? "Find out everything you can about these sightings." He commanded, his voice firm. "I want to know everything there is to know about these mysterious figures."

As they hurried out of the room, the Darkling turned back to the letter, his mind racing with possibilities. He could feel his power growing, fueled by the knowledge that there were others out there who shared his gifts.

His thoughts consumed by the pair of mysterious figures who had eluded the Shadow Fold. With furrowed brows and a clenched jaw, he paced the room, lost in his own contemplation.

"Who are they?" He muttered to himself, his voice heavy with frustration. "Are they the ones I have been searching for all this time?"

As he pondered, a knock at the door once more interrupted his thoughts. He turned his attention to the entrance, his eyes narrowing as he called out. "Enter."

The door creaked open, and a soldier stepped inside, his face etched with concern. "We have searched every corner of the Fold, but there is no sign of the pair that you seek."

𝐀𝐏𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐒𝐌𝐀; ɢᴠ x ʜᴘ (𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐃)Where stories live. Discover now