<^> Fit for a King <^>

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Muichiro POV:
The grass is so soft, it's so easy to talk to because I don't have to talk and it responds. It reminds me of a cat—it's like without me saying a word, it could read my mind. Speaking of cats, as I felt the grass press up against my back blade I saw a cloud in the sky that looked just like one. It had the pointed ears and the whiskers—it reminded me of Genya, all cute and easy to talk to. Genya has been on my mind recently... he's one of the only people I know. He doesn't know how I feel about him, and neither do I. I'm bad at emotions. It's like a tingling feeling in my chest, like I'm happy but sad at the same moment. It's very odd.

Nobody POV:
Muichiro began to weave the flowers into a nice, pretty flower crown with a variety pack of colours. He made it a little larger than his head, but just so that it could fall down to his nose. He tapped his feet together, not seeing the figure stepping towards him. His gaze refocused as he felt a warm and friendly tap on the shoulder, followed with a sincere and kind wave from Genya. "Hi, Mui!" He smiled. "Genya!" Muichiro chirped as he hugged Genya's leg. "Oh, uh, haha!" Genya laughed as his face flushed a tad pink. Muichiro quickly unattached himself as he patted the ground, hoping for his best friend to come sit next to him. Genya smiled and sat several inches away from Muichiro. Muichiro sat there and smiled, his eyelids dragging until, "oh, I forgot!" And he turned to his side, grabbing the festive crown he had weaved just for Genya. Genya's eyes lit up as he saw what he considered true love, beauty, grace, whatever cheesy things he would call it and before he could reach out his sweaty hands to grab it, Muichiro gently reached over Genya's head and set it right on top with care. "Fit for a king!" He squealed, excited for his friend to be wearing one of his creations with such love. "Wow, Muichiro! I-I love it so much! Thank you!" Genya stuttered, feeling his face in attempts to detect any heat which was successful. Genya seemed very awkward at that moment. Muichiro just sat there, smiling as Genya removed the crown and smelt each and every petal. "Wow, these smell so good! What flowers are they?" "I forgot," Muichiro sweated, rubbing the back of his head.

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