~< The touch of you >~

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Genya POV:
I could see the bags under Muichiro's eyes growing larger and him yawning frequently, so I grabbed his shoulder and smiled, "Muichiro, don't keep yourself up." Muichiro looked me right in the eyes, them glimmering fading my cheeks to a noticeable pink. And suddenly, without saying a word, he slammed his head down on my lap. For godsakes, the cutest boy in the world was sleeping on my lap. I could smell him, feel him, and he could do the same. I felt his chest bounce up and down as his soft, minty breath flew out of his mouth. I felt my chest bouncing up and down, too. My hands quickly repelled, not knowing what to do with myself because of this fucking cutie but in attempts not to be awkward, I began stroking his long, beautiful hair. It's so pretty, the way it shines in the moonlight. I just want to grab his hands and dance with him for the rest of my life, adjusting his bowtie, kissing him on the cheek. Or on the lips. That's a dream. I let him fall asleep my entire face a crimson in colouration. I gently gripped the flower crown he put on me and smiled, being careful not to let the petals fall down. I shivered in his touch, the touch of you, Muichiro. It's so addicting.
I spent awhile stroking Mui's soft, pretty hair. I then pulled out my phone, my phone with the homescreen of me and Muichiro, my phone with the app where I'd edit images to make it look like we're kissing, the phone where I proceeded to search up "flowers" over and over again until I found the exact flowers in the flower crown. Then, I screenshotted the images because I had an idea.
I was going to ask Muichiro out.

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