Chapter Eight

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Ruby groaned as Sarah woke her up- squinting from the sunlight and trying to figure out where they were.

She huffed as John B picked her up and set her in the sand, apparently going over a plan, but of course Ruby being half awake she didn't even hear him, giving him the signature nod and smile.

Ruby trailed after John B and Sarah like a lost puppy, nearly running and almost tripping several times to keep up with them.

She rubbed at her eyes, unaware of the looks she got as she passed people, no doubt they were staring at her blood stained tank top.

Ruby yawned and rubbed at her eyes again, John B placing his hand on the top of her head and turning her so she was looking at a table, one that clearly had a rich couple sitting at it.

He nodded once at her- she didn't exactly have a plan but apparently knocking her hip against the table and swiping the money clip as it fell to the floor seemed to do the trick.

She didn't even care as the guy called her a stupid bitch, but she stopped Sarah as she went to lunge at the guy.

She tiredly followed them to the gas station, sitting on the ground while Sarah filled up the gas cans and John B went inside.

Ruby closed her eyes, letting the sun warm her skin as she waited, silently wondering what it would be like when she saw JJ again.

Her eyes snapped open as she heard yelling, her and Sarah sharing a look before she helped her up, Ruby grabbing ahold of John B as the man from the restaurant chased after them.

John B picked up Ruby and set her on the cart of the bike- only she paused as she heard his voice, her heart was already starting to pound in her chest.

Her legs were forcing herself to stand before she even registered it- barely even hearing John B telling her to go before she was jumping out of the cart and running like hell.

She felt like she couldn't breathe as she ran, desperately looking for him and calling out his name, praying that her mind wasn't playing tricks on her.

And then she saw him across the road- their eyes locked as they looked at each other in disbelief , running to each other as she finally jumped into his arms, tears filling her eyes as she finally felt him again.

" You're here.." She cried as she hugged him tighter, " I'm here.. I'm right here.." He promised, repeatedly kissing the top of her head.

She looked up at him, allowing him to wipe away her tears as they both leaned in closer, their lips connected in the most passionate kiss they'd ever given each other.

They were home. 

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