Chapter Twenty Three

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Ruby walked into the shop, looking over the wall of keys and deciding which truck could take, ultimately deciding on the black GMC right up front.

She tossed the keys to JJ before getting in, so far they were doing pretty good on time.

" do you think the cross is actually at the church?" She asked, moving to the middle seat and curling up against him, " I hope so.." he said and put his arm around her.

She watched as he parked the truck outside of the chateau, running and trying to jump but he ended up falling, shouting a quick 'I'm okay' before continuing his task.

So Ruby sat in the truck and waited- only after a few minutes a bad feeling started to settle in, so she got out of the truck.

" JJ..?" She called out, scanning the area for him- only she froze as he came around the corner with Luke.

" no- no JJ we're not taking him" She said and leaned against the truck, " the cops are after him" he muttered, " so? Let him rot" she said and gently held the sides of his face, " if I do this now I won't have to ever do it again.." he said and she sighed, getting in the drivers seat.

She glared at Luke and he glared back, "if you say one thing then you're out" she said and started driving.

After a few minutes she pulled into where JJ told her to, parking the truck and crossing her arms as he got out.

She tried to focus on the radio, her annoyance rising as Luke hit the back of the seat, " can you just fucking stop?" She snapped, " y'know you're a lot like your mom" he said and she scrunched her nose in disgust.

" see you act all tough, but the second going gets tough you'll run just like she did. I wouldn't be surprised if he left you first-" he said but got cut off by her fist connecting with his nose, making a loud crunch.

" listen up. I'm nothing like that bitch, i don't run from my problems, unlike you who's doing exactly that. Furthermore I'm with JJ until he decides he doesn't want me" She said, flexing her fingers,

" your son is the most amazing person I know.. you just envy him because he's everything you'll never be, a better man.." she said, not noticing him getting ready to grab the knife in the backseat.

JJ opened the door and got back in, noticing her split knuckles and then his fathers bloody nose, " what did you do?" JJ hissed at Luke, but Ruby glared at him in the mirror, making him keep his mouth shut.

She parked at the island club, watching as the two got out, " Hey Luke?" She asked, watching as they both turned around, " good riddance" she said and held up her middle finger with a bitchy smile.

After a while she got out, walking over to docks and standing beside JJ- she looked up at him then hugged him, feeling the moment he hugged her back and started to cry.

She didn't know how long they stood there, she didn't care either, all that mattered was the boy in her arms.

She knew he was finally safe.

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