⋆ ONE ⋆

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"ADRIANA GRANGER YOU LITTLE SLUT!" Cho exclaimed holding up a flimsy piece of light blue lace that I would classify as underwear. Cho looks at the fabric then back at me wearing a rare grin that brings a smile to my face.

Ever since Cedric died she has been a shell of what she used to be. It's been hard for everyone, but loosing your boyfriend is monumentally different to loosing a classmate. The first few weeks she refused to get out of bed or eat, her whole life fell apart so quickly. Nobody prepares you for how it feels to see your best friend struggling so severely.

So, it is nice to see her smile, even if it is at my expense.

"They're comfortable" I say as I send her a sideways glance. I'm not lying about them being comfortable, and ever since my great discovery of thongs, my life has become much more interesting. Though maybe not as interesting as I would hope.

Not even a second later the blue lacy fabric is thrown into my face.

The process of unpacking after summer break shouldn't be as fun as it is. But when you have friends/roommates like Luna Lovegood and Cho Chang that make you try on every new jumper and skirt you brought over the break it feels more like a fashion show than a chore.

I can't say that about this year though. We have barley gotten anything done seeing as though they have spent the last half hour freaking out about my underwear.

I can feel the tips of my ears turning hot and I feel the layer of pink forming on my face as my two friends keep digging though my things.

"Don't be embarrassed Ana, thongs really are comfortable" Luna says, looking up from her place on the floor with a smile, taking a break from her self allocated task of meticulously folding my Ravenclaw jumpers.

It was definitely a shock when I was sorted into Ravenclaw when I joined Hogwarts in year 4. I didn't expect it, and at the time it upset me that I wasn't in the same house as my sister. Though now I can appreciate it for the true blessing it is that I don't have to see her everyday.

"And then if you ever get lucky you're already prepared" Luna adds with an innocent smile on her face, that pulls a chuckle from my lips. It's a well known fact Luna gets around, and good for her. I can't blame any of the guys or girls she is getting with either, she is one of the most beautiful girls have ever seen. Though she has recently had her eye one boy in particular.

Luna doesn't shy way from sharing the stories of her numerous hookups and other escapades with us, in great detail as well. Lets just say she definitely lives up to the last name.

"Oh don't tell me you have this because it's comfortable" Cho says and I turn to see her holding up lacy lingerie bodysuit. I snatch it off her and sit on it in my best attempt to hide it from her before hiding my face with my hands. That bodysuit isn't comfortable, its almost a corset, but it's damn cute so I don't want to hear it from Cho. Peaking though the gap in my fingers I can see the two girls trying their hardest not to laugh at me, before Cho turns to me wearing a confused expression.

"How much dick are you getting Ana? I mean, to warrant owning this much lingerie you really have to be getting around-"

"NONE! Oh god- None, zero, zilch, nada, none!" I choke on a laugh trying to pick up my now slack jaw. "I'm a virgin you know that, I- god" I can't help but laugh at the thought of someone wanting to sleep with me. I wish.

"Then why do you have so much lingerie?" Luna laughs. Traitor; I at least thought she would understand.

They are really getting a kick out of this.

"Because I have good taste; and don't judge a girl for liking lingerie. Buying it is like a hobby, trying to find the nicest stuff. I mean what else am I going to spend my hard earned money on after stacking shelves at a grocery store for hours on end. Also, I wear it for me, just under random clothes it makes me feel pretty you know and it's like a little secret" my checks are definitely going red, this is so embarrassing. I try to move on quickly but Cho just keeps pulling out different pieces of lingerie.

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