⋆ TWO ⋆

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As I walk out of the great hall I can't help but look for my sister. I don't want to talk to her but I would like to at least see her. We are sisters at the end of the day, twins actually, not identical though.

I tried to avoid her at all costs over the holidays, it wasn't that difficult as I spent almost everyday working and she spent half her time with Weasley and goddamn Potter.

I know I should've payed closer attention to her whereabouts and actions but I couldn't bring myself to spend my summer obsessing over my sister and her friends. Much to the dismay of my friends.

As soon as I find her I regret looking for her in the first place. She is talking intently with the two other members of her golden trio, as if nothing happened. As if one of her best friends didn't do the things he did, and as if she never said the things she said.

"Are you okay Ana?" Pansy asks, leaving the Slytherin boys to catch up with me. She watches me before following my gaze to the trio. With a knowing and sad expression she turns back to me, following me as we walk toward the common rooms. "Your sister? Or him" She asks.

"Both, but I'm fine, really" I respond back with an empty chuckle, finally taking my eyes off them and looking fully at Pansy. From the look on her face I know she pity's me . We both know I'm lying when I say I'm okay, but I don't think I can talk about anything that happened without breaking down.

"Nobody expects you to be okay yet Ana, I cant imagine what I would do if- " Pansy try's to continue.

"Pansy please, I'm fine okay. Just please don't bring it up" I say watching my feet as Pansy links her arm with mine. She doesn't say anything more as we walk up to the Slytherin common room, half way there everyone catches up to us. I listen to Theo and Pansy's conversation as Pansy holds on to my arm tightly. I drift in and out of paying attention, only hearing a few sentences about Pansy and Malfoy now being Slytherin prefects.

"I just don't get it, why wouldn't they make me a prefect?" Theo complains, I scoff in response, so does Pansy. Even though I am barley listening I can here the stupidity in his question.

"Maybe because you have been caught multiple times showing up to class high as a kite after smoking muggle herb" Enzo responds, patting his friends on the back.

"It was only once! or twice, or like 5 times but they can't blame me for wanting to make my school life a little less mind numbingly boring!"

"Sweet Salazar, can you even hear yourself Theodore?" Pansy rejoins the conversation, giving the boy a friendly smack to the back of his head as the stone wall to the Slytherin common room opens to reveal a door.

The walk through the Slytherin common room feels like it goes on for forever. The amount of eyes on me makes my skin crawl. Even though I am holding onto Pansy, who is the Slytherin prefect, I still feel like I will get in trouble for being in here. I look out of place, thats for sure, my Ravenclaw robes stand out like a sore thumb and the Astronomy book under my arm makes me look more like a Granger that I would like.

I sit down quickly on one of the three leather couches surrounding the now lit fire place. Pansy and Theo find spots next to me, the pair leaning into each other. Pansy puts her legs over Theo's and he begins to run a hand up and down her bare thigh, sneaking his fingers under the hem of her skirt at times.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't jealous of the intimacy and physical contact they shared. I am reminded once again of my loneliness as I look to the couch across from me, seeing Luna and Pansy in relaxed conversation as Blaise watches intently from his place behind the blonde. It doesn't take long for one of Blaise's long arms to wrap around Luna's waist, pulling her back into his chest, causing the both of them to grow large smile across their faces.

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