⋆ FOUR ⋆

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I wake up to a knock at the door and a groan sounds in the back of my throat as I climb out of bed wrapping myself in a blanket, still exhausted from my lack of sleep. The constant pounding on my door isn't doing as much as you would think to wake me up "I'm coming! Can you wait two seconds please" I whine. What can I say? I get grumpy when I'm tired.

Using every last bit of power in my body, I drag myself to the door. Yawning so hard my soul nearly escapes my body. When I finally recover from my yawn my eyes open to the sight of Pansy just standing there with her eyebrows raised and a smirk plastered across her face.

"Good morning sleepy head" her smirk turn into a sweet smile. I groan once again before flopping back into my bed.

"Go away Pansy it's too early" I speak directly into the pillow I am lying on. I don't know if she can hear me but I really don't care. I just need to sleep.

"It's 9am"


"You missed History of magic this morning"

"What! Pansy you should've woken me up earlier!" I mentally curse at myself as I run over to my dresser and pull out my uniform for the day. Stripping out of my pyjamas and wrestling my shirt on.

"You're hot Granger," she says looking me up an down "and very funny when your stressed" she laughs, taking a seat on my bed. As I watch her I realise Luna and Cho have already left. How in the world did they get to class on time and not me?

"No, no, no, no i'm going to be late for second period" I realise as I pull on my socks.

"I'm sure Snape won't mind" Pansy laughs at me from her place on my bed. Of course I have potions.

I glare at Pansy as I run out of the room slamming the door behind me. I get a few weird looks as I speed walk through the Ravenclaw common room, though I do not have the time to care. I sprint down all the stairs in the Ravenclaw tower as fast as I can. My thighs burn the whole way down, I am not built to be an athlete, or do anything slightly athletic for that matter. That is probably why my legs give out as I reach the bottom of the stairs, almost falling face first into the stone floor.

I don't let the burning in my legs and almost-fall slow me down as I sprint down the empty corridors to Potions, Snape is going to kill me. I hope someone brings flowers to my grave.

"Ahh Miss granger, so nice of you to finally show up," he says sarcastically in that slow dragging voice of his. The whole class is staring at me as I make my way over to my seat. "Homework", he holds out his hand waiting for me to give it to him.

I knew I was forgetting something.

"I haven't finished it, I'm really sorry sir I can have it done by-"

"You will have it done by this afternoon, and you will give it to me when I see you in detention after dinner," he cuts me off, I can hear people laughing softly behind me but I don't turn around to see who it is.

I spend the next hour of class eagerly taking notes so I can study them before the next lesson. Half of my writing is completely illegible but trying to read through these notes is a problem for future me.

I try to get out of class as soon as I can, standing up and collecting my books in such a rush you would think I had somewhere better to be.

"Miss Granger" Snape calls over the emptying classroom.

I turn around.

"You're failing," he says oh-so bluntly.

"I know and I am trying to catch up I really am it's just hard with-"

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