⋆ SIX ⋆

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I haven't seen Connor since this morning. I don't know why that is bothering me, I usually don't see him. But there was something about the way we talked and laughed together that is making me think we should see each other more often. 

I'm getting ahead of myself. I tend to do this. I've been in communication with this man for all of a few hours and I'm already jumping to conclusions. I snap myself out of my delusional thoughts and focus back on the task at hand- getting to Herbology on time. 

I wouldn't describe myself as a dawdler, or slow walker but I definitely seem to need much more time to get from point A to point B than other people do. As it is right now, I am speed walking through the halls, dodging people left and right. Trying my hardest not to repeat yesterdays... mishap. 

I get the the class room flushed and breathless, but with 30 second to spare before class starts. I scan the classroom finding Pansy with an empty chair next to her amongst the rest of our group. I waste no time to claim my rightful seat, throwing down my books just as professor Sprout walk in. 

Before I am even able to fully settle in my seat Pansy grabs my hand, forcing me to look in her direction. I know the look in her eyes; pity

"Ana..." she draws my name out in such a soft tone I can barley hear it. All I can do in response in smile at my best friend and assure her that I am completely fine. She obviously doesn't believe me but she has no chance to rebuttal as Professor Sprout begins her lesson. 

God herbology is boring. I will never understand why this class in mandatory. All we do is listen to Sprout go on and on about her favourite plants for an hour. I could not tell you one thing I have learnt in this class. Uninterested as ever I beginning scanning the rooming, taking in every single persons bored expression and Sprout carries on about some tree species that grows quickly or something. 

My eyes land on a certain ugly someone. Crabbe. I was so happy that I had no classes with Slytherin until now. I dont like being in the same vicinity of that retched boy.  As I death stare the back of his fat head he seems to sense someone watching him. Turning around and looking directly at me I am greeted with a face uglier that usually. Crabbe's face almost matches mine though it is considerably worse with two black eyes a split lit and cut cheek. If I looked like that I dont think I would be showing up to class today. 

He watches me with the same smirk that was plastered across his face yesterday as he pinned me up agains the wall. The sight makes me want to puke, though that is not an unusual reaction when looking at that horrid boy. No more than a few seconds pass before he turn back around to face the front of the class. 

Pansy seemed to have noticed the exchange, giving me a quisical look. All I can do is mouth the word "later" to her, promising to explain after class.

Class carries on as usually for the next twenty minutes or so, I have not listened to a single word but I'm sure nothing of actual importance has been said. My day dreaming is so rudely interrupted by Theo tapping my shoulder from where he is sitting at the desk behind me, 

"Can I have a peice of parchment?" he whispers into my ear.

"You are actually taking notes?" I question whist reaching into my pile of books to get him what he has asked for. As I turn back around to give him the Parchment I am greated by a cheaky grin. 

"Of course not,  Zabini is going to teach me how to make an origami paper crane" the boy says with a smile so wide you wouldn't think he is sitting in class, instead a candy store. I laugh slightly at the idea of Theo and Blaise delicately folding paper in to delicate little cranes. 

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