⋆ FIVE ⋆

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By the time I get back to the Ravenclaw common room I want to kill whoever invented stairs. My hands are covered in blood and so is my shirt, I blame my mother for the nose bleed genes; with her genes and my shitty health my nose will only stop bleeding when my body is drained of blood.

I walk through the common room with my book in front of my face, I don't want to give people another reason to talk about me, I enjoy being invisible. Though its hard when your sister and her friends main mission in life is to be seen.

As I open the door to my dorm I let out a sigh of relief that I quickly breathe back in after seeing Blaise, Luna and Cho lined up and looking at me like I pulled out a bottle of scotch at an AA meeting.

"Jesus christ Ana" Luna says walking up to me and manhandling my face to get a good look at my lip.

"Oh calm down, do split lips not exist in the world of magic" I move her hands off me slowly and grab a tissue from my side table to try stop my nose bleeding before I actually lose all the blood in my body.

"They do but that doesn't mean they should, are you okay, what happened? Blaise came in here freaking out saying you were hurt" Cho sits on Luna's bed across from me as I sit on my bed.

"Yeah it's fine, I just slipped" I say and I can already feel Blaise staring at me before I get the chance to look.


"Blaise can I talk to you for a second" I cut him off, "outside".

"Sure" he smiles at Luna sadly before leading us out the door. And as soon as it shuts I waste no time to get to the point.

"Ana, Theo told me what happened" he says before I can get a single word out.

"well, you can't tell anyone else" I say bluntly, still holding the tissue up to my face although it's almost fully soaked through with blood. "and you have to tell Theo to keep his mouth shut. I don't even know how he told you so quickly"

"Adriana..." his voice screams pity and it makes me sick.

"No, you're not going to tell them and neither am I, I don't want them to worry or make a big deal out of it" I mean every word. Ever since I moved here I haven't been able to get through a single week without being the hot topic of someone's dinner conversations.

"It is a big deal, and I can't lie to them, especially Luna". I feel for him I really do but this hasn't got anything to do with either of them.

"It's not lying it's just... evading the truth." I shrug "Promise me you won't tell anyone" I giving him the sort of look that means business.


"Thank you"

I walk back into the common room and quickly put a slight smile on my face. I apologise to the girls for being so weird and grab my pyjamas and towel before running to the bathroom.

I turn the shower on as hot as it can go and watch the water running off my face turn red. The water burns at first but the pain is the most comforting thing right now. I don't know how long I stand under the shower but it's long enough that when I get back to the dorm, pruney fingers and all, Cho is sound asleep in her bed and Luna in hers, not forgetting Blaise cuddled up behind her. I flop into bed and grab my favourite book, I don't think I will get very much sleep tonight.


Call me Professor Trelawney because I can see the future. I didn't get a single minute of sleep, not even a wink.

Sadly evidence of last nights situation has taken shape as a bruise on my rather puffy bottom lip, that also has a unsightly looking cut running through it. Crabbe must have been wearing a ring to do that much damage.

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