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AFTER A FEW MONTHS FRISK IS FINE, HE HAS BEEN TRAINING TO ESCAPE THE MONSTERS OUTSIDE THAT BEAUTIFUL HOUSE, EVEN THOUGH THEY ARE ALONE THE TWO OF THEM HAVE MANAGED TO STAY ALIVEMK:FRISK I THINK WE ARE READY TO GO OUTFRISK: OK, LET'S GO.THE TWO LITTLE CHILDREN WITH FEAR AND COURAGEFrisk: MK, let's run faster! MK: I'm doing the best I can! We can't let them catch us.MK: Damn! Why do they have to chase you, Frisk? Frisk: I guess it's because I'm human and they see humans as a threat.Frisk: I hope we figure out how to get out of this! MK: Of course, we have to have faith that we will find a way out.MK: Here comes one of them! Frisk: Hurry MK, we can't stop now!Frisk: How have you been feeling since you left the Underground, MK? MK: Really excited to be back on the surface, but this is definitely not what I had in mind.MK: Do you think we can get them out of our way? Frisk: I don't know, but we can't let them get us.Frisk: Stay calm MK, we're almost there! MK: I know, I know, but I can't help but be a little scared!MK: Did you ever think that life on the surface would be so dangerous? Frisk: No, but at least we're in this together.Frisk: How has your new job on the surface been going? MK: Good, although I think I'd rather be at my old job in the lab.MK: There's the exit! Frisk: Great, let's run over there as fast as we can!Frisk: Thanks for helping me escape, MK! MK: No problem! I will always be here to help you.THE CHILDREN KEEP RUNNING UNTIL THEYFrisk: MK, I can't believe this is happening! MK: I know, Frisk, but you have to escape. I will stop them.MK: Don't worry about me, Frisk. Escape and live a full life. Frisk: I can't leave you here alone, MK. We have to go out together!Frisk: Please, MK, come with me! MK: I can't, Frisk. It's already too late for me. But I don't want the monsters to hurt you.MK: Listen, Frisk. I want you to know that I have always considered you as my closest friend. Frisk: Same here, MK. Will always remember you.Frisk: I can't go without you, MK! MK: You have to, Frisk. Promise me that you will live a long and happy life.MK: Remember everything I taught you, Frisk. Be strong and keep going. Frisk: I will, MK. Never forget you.Frisk: I'll miss you MK! MK: Me too, Frisk. Take care of yourself.MK: Bye, Frisk. Frisk: Bye, MK.FRISK ENTERING THE MADNESS BEGAN TO TALK ABOUT THE DEATH OF MKFrisk: I can't believe MK died. He was my closest friend in the Underground. He always helped me and taught me new things.Frisk: It hurts me so much knowing that I will never see him again. I wonder how his friends and family are doing in the Underground. Will they be as sad as me?Frisk: MK always had a smile on his face, even in the toughest of times. He taught me not to lose hope and to fight for what I want. How am I going to deal with this without him?Frisk: Sometimes I feel like everything we did in the Underground was for nothing. MK died trying to save me, but in the end I escaped and he didn't make it. Because it had to be like that?Frisk: I can't help but wonder if I could have done more to save MK. Maybe if I had run faster or fought harder, we could have escaped together.Frisk: Although MK is no longer here, I will always carry him in my heart. I will always remember his laughter and his wisdom. I know he would want me to keep going and be strong.Frisk: I wonder if I'll ever see MK again. Maybe in another life or in another universe. I would love to be able to hug him again and tell him how much I miss him.FRISK ON A BRIDGE THAT CONNECTED SNOWDIN AND WATERFALL BUT HE SEE A SHADOW IN THE DISTANCE AND REALIZES THAT IT IS SANSFrisk: (running in a hurry) Sans, leave me alone!Sans: (calmly chasing him) Not so fast, buddy. You owe me something, remember?Frisk: (while jumping over obstacles and avoiding traps) I don't know what you're talking about, Sans. Let me escape!Sans: (mockingly) Oh, don't play the wrong one. I know you've been trying to get past my guard to get to the surface. And that's not something I'm willing to allow.Frisk: (breathing hard) I'm sorry, Sans, but I have to go. I have friends waiting for me and a world to discover.Sans: (pointing his finger at Frisk) Not so fast, dude. Your adventure in the Underground is over. Now you belong to me.Frisk: (surprised) What do you mean?Sans: (smiling) Simple, dude. You are going to work for me. As my slave, you'll be able to pay off your debt and maybe, just maybe, I'll let you live.Frisk: (while still running) I won't, Sans! I will never be your slave. Never!Sans: (growling) Alright, if that's what you want. But remember this: no matter where you go, I will always be waiting for you.Frisk: (while jumping through a window) Bye, Sans! I will never go back to this place again!Sans: (While watching Frisk escape) Goodbye, mate. We'll see each other again, sooner or later.Sans: before you go I'll tell you the truth about asgore"You see, friend, the story you have been told about Asgore is not entirely true. Yes, it is true that he was once a great king who ruled the Underground with wisdom and justice. But something changed in him, something that led him to do terrible things.It turns out that Asgore was obsessed with the idea of ​​breaking through the barrier and reaching the surface. He had tried all sorts of things, from researching magic to making deals with dangerous creatures. But nothing seemed to work.It was then that he stumbled upon something he should never have seen: an ancient prophecy that spoke of a human sacrifice that would be required to break the barrier. According to the prophecy, seven human souls were needed to create a barrier powerful enough to break through the barrier and release the monsters.Asgore, desperate to save his people, decided to take drastic measures. He decided that he would sacrifice any human that fell into the Underground in order to gather the seven souls he needed.At first, Asgore justified himself by saying that he was doing the right thing for his people. But over time, obsession and malice overtook him. He no longer cared about the welfare of his people, he only wanted the human souls to break through the barrier.It was then that he encountered a human boy named Frisk. Frisk was determined to save the monsters and get out of the Underground. But Asgore saw it as just one more chance to get another human soul.In the final battle between Asgore and Frisk, Asgore finally revealed his true nature. He was not the fair and kind king that everyone believed. He was a tyrant obsessed with power, who was willing to sacrifice human lives to achieve his goal.In the end, Frisk managed to defeat Asgore and end his reign. But Asgore's story remains a reminder of how dangerous power can be when misused. Asgore was consumed by evil and lost everything that made him human. I hope this has taught you something important, friend."FRISK WAS IN WATERFALLFrisk walked slowly through Waterfall, her mind filled with thoughts and memories. Suddenly, she heard a voice behind her.MK: Hello, Frisk.Frisk turned quickly, but there was no one there. However, the voice was unmistakable. It was MK, her deceased friend.Frisk: MK, is that you? Are you talking to me from beyond?MK: Yes, Frisk. I'm here in ghost form to talk to you.Frisk: It's kind of weird talking to someone I can't see.MK: I know, but it is what it is. How have you been?Frisk: I've been good, thanks. I still miss having you by my side so much, but I'm trying to move on.MK: I know, I miss you a lot too. But I don't want to talk about it right now. I want to talk about Waterfall. Isn't it just beautiful?Frisk: Yes, it's unbelievably beautiful. The sound of the waterfalls, the fresh and clean air, everything is just perfect.MK: I'm glad you think the same. I remember when we explored Waterfall together. We would spend hours walking around here, enjoying the beauty of the place.Frisk: Yeah, those were wonderful times. I would love to be able to do it again with you.MK: I know, but at least we can enjoy Waterfall right now. Looking back, I'm grateful for the times we spent together here. And I am grateful that you can still enjoy its beauty.Frisk: Yeah, I am too. Thanks for bringing me back here, MK.MK: I will always be with you, Frisk. Even if it's just in ghost form.FRISK SEES A DIFFERENT SHADOW THAN SANSFrisk was walking through Waterfall, enjoying the beautiful scenery when she suddenly heard a loud noise behind her. Turning around, he saw an imposing figure in shining armor. It was Undyne, the leader of the royal guard.Undyne: Stop right there, human! What are you doing on our territory?Frisk: Oh, sorry. I didn't know I was in dangerous territory.Undyne: Of course it is. And I can't let you go just like that. You are a threat to the safety of all the monsters here.Frisk: But I'm not a threat to anyone. I'm just passing through, exploring the place.Undyne: I don't care. As the leader of the royal guard, it is my duty to capture any human who enters our territory. Prepare to fight!Undyne drew his spear and prepared to attack Frisk. Frisk got into a defensive position and braced himself for the worst.The battle was intense. Undyne was a formidable fighter, skilled and fast. However, Frisk was cunning and skilled, and managed to dodge most of Undyne's attacks.Undyne: Damn, you're smarter than I thought! But that won't stop me. You can't escape me!Frisk: Why are you chasing me? Why can't we just talk and come to an agreement?Undyne: Because humans are dangerous. They have always been a threat to us. I can't risk a human escaping.Frisk: But I'm not like that. I do not want to hurt you. Please, Undyne, let me go.Undyne hesitated for a moment, but then attacked Frisk again with renewed fury. Finally, after a long and difficult battle, Frisk managed to dodge a fatal attack and hit Undyne hard enough to knock her breath away.Undyne: I can't believe you won! You are much stronger than I thought.Frisk: I didn't want to fight. But you made me do it.Undyne: I'm sorry. She shouldn't have been so aggressive. I let myself be carried away by my prejudices. We should talk instead of fight.Frisk: I agree. I would love to know more about the monsters and learn more about this place. Would you teach me, Undyne?Undyne smiled, nodding.Undyne: Yes, I will. There is much to learn at Waterfall.

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